Chapter 16: Two Options.

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Tuesdayyyyy Aprillll 28thhhhhhh, 2020.

Smh. There are a lot of what I call switchy-switchies in this chapter. It basically means that the settings change a lit in this chapter.

I feel kind of bad that I'm posting this so late, but shdndnfnfnfjc. I was helping my friend with her writing.

Smcmdmcmmcj this chapter suckssss soooooooooooooooo badddd. When I'm sober and when my iPad is not at 2% I'll re-write it.


America slid down against the bookcase (to give him some stability) towards the floor beside Florida. His legs had finally given out, and he was beyond exhausted. All he wanted to do was curl up into a ball and fall asleep, but it would definitely be worse when he awoke. 

If he woke.

He had very little time, and two options that could change the lives of everyone.

He could try and take the book from his son, but there was no telling if Florida-Man's health would suddenly drop, or if he would surge and steal the remaining of America's. Florida wasn't your average StateHuman: He was crazy. That made it so much more dangerous. America's other option was the one he hated the most. He never wanted to do this in his life again, but here he was, cornered.

He would have to call his States back to him, and loose them.

There was no doubt that the other States could feel the tremble of their homeland, and the Southern States were probably in agony with America. He had to stop this, and with every second he bickered with himself, the closer Florida was to completing his book.


"Uncle 'Nada, I feel funny," Hawaii mentioned, and stopped moving her doll. She shakily got up, and walked over to Canada, who put his Barbie down and opened his arms to her.

He sat her on his lap, and felt her head. "You're, you're burning up!" He exclaimed, taking his wrist away from her forehead. "W-When did you start to feel this way?" Canada asked, looking at his niece in curiosity. His natural fearful aura was starting to come back, too.

"A minute ago..." she murmured, putting her head into his chest. The Canadian peered his dark green orbs over to Soviet, who just shrugged his shoulders, confused himself. "Nada', I-I don't f-feel good ei'her..." Georgia stuttered, dropping the doll in her hand and bringing them to her head.

The music in the background suddenly stopped, and States left and right started to drop their figurines and lean on eachother or lay down onto the floor. Good thing all of them were already sitting there.

"Do anvyyy ovvv vouuu know vvhy thizz is happening?" Soviet asked. For a weird reason, he felt a weird tinge of what Canada almost always felt; fear. He was scared for the States, and even the concept itself was terrifying. Surprisingly, out of all the States, Texas spoke up. "It's.... Florida-Man.... H-He's rebellin'," He said in bits and pieces, closing his eyes. Canada looked so USSR once more, and only two words were on their minds.

Oh no


"Hey, Alaska-San, do you like Manga?" Japan asked, leading the male to the anime section of the Library she discovered a while ago.

The Niko Country didn't expect him to actually respond, because it was Alaska; the Russian State who didn't like to talk to anyone except Hawaii and America. But he did. "I think Hivii showed me something called A-Anime? Bevvvore, but-" Alaska started his sentence, but didn't finish it, making Japan turn around to look at him.

He stopped walking, and held onto his head. "Alaska-San?" Japan asked, walking over to inspect the taller male. "Something, izzz.... Wrong....." he spoke, barely over a whisper. Japan's ears dropped, and all happiness in her face was gone. "Is it A-Ame-Kun?" She shakily asked, not even wanting to know the answer.

Alaska nodded, and then something struck him. It felt like a thousand pound brick had just come into contact with his head, and he dropped to the ground, unconscious.



America gathered all his strength he had left in his body to call his states with the StateBond. His glasses slipped off his head because he was over sweating, and he dubbed over in a puking fashion, and shut his once-baby blue orbs tight, bracing himself. He had never used this much of his energy before. He had never had this much energy taken out of him before, even when Confederate popped to existence. When he came to life, sure, America was physically and mentally tired, but it was nothing like what he was experiencing now.

The Library was still surging its power to America, refusing to waver until Florida-Man put the book down. Florida continued to read, and didn't even seem to notice his dad beside him, trying to save his life. His States' people were rebelling, throwing a tantrum, and it was like a fresh punch in the face.

He could feel his other children worrying, and he also had to establish a stable bond, so he could talk to them and inform them what was happening to their crazy brother. That alone took up about half his strength, and he usually needed to take a nap after, but here he was, almost completely drained, and still willing to talk to his children.

Parenting, eh.

Come on, Ame. What.... kind of Country are you if you can't even...... Even talk to your children before you take away their human form?

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