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I'm not sure if people know this or not, but I've published the second book in the TLOK Series. The name is To See You Once More, so, if you want, go take a look! The picture above is the cover I'm planning on using, but I recently got IbisPaint X, and if I ever find where I put my drawing pen, I'll try and sketch up an original picture to replace it (don't count on it though).

Also, there's something that has baffled me from when I first started this book;

Why the heck am I doing this?

It's weird, I just came up with idea when driving downtown and looking out the window, and somehow I managed to complete an entire book, and have enough creativity to make a second. This book was supposed to be eighteen chapters (not including A/N's) and I wrote the chapter on Wattpad. I use Docs to write stories, then transfer it to here, but I accidentally deleted it on here, got lazy, and just skipped to the end. I don't know what happened, but this A/N just turned into my conversation about feelings 🤣💀

Why the heck are you guys reading this?

That's something I've wondered for the longest time, even when I was just writing single Oneshots for different fandoms (Most of them are actually unpublished). I understand that quarantine has gotten all of us feeling down, but there are people reading this in one swoop, and I get notifications popping up everywhere. Kind of makes me feel bad that they can read so fast when-

I'm not complaining, I do it as well... 😅

Pleaseeeeeee continue to comment on my writing. It's absolutely hilarious to see the opinions of other people on my books.

Ohhhh, and is it weird that I'm writing a Statehuman story about America and his children? I don't even live in the U.S, and I never have. I'm literally just using the internet and knowledge from other books I've read for their personalities (Their books are amazing). I may have spent an hour looking up the types of marriages the states allow when I thought of making them have different sexualities, when it dawned on me: they have never been outside in either the CountryHuman or Real world. And man I felt stupid.

Anyways, thanks for reading this if you put up with me, and uh, I hate jellybeans.

- Saturday, May 2nd, 2020 -
[Edited - Wednesday December 9th, 2020]

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