Chapter 11: One upset has-been-Commie.

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Monday March 23rdddddddd

Thanks sooooo much for the 1K reads!🤗

I hope everyone who has Covid_19 ends up with a full recovery.

(Very Slight Language)

[Soviet Union's Residence]
[This is taking place when America and Alaska are walking through the woods]

Russia laid on his messy bed, staring at the ceiling. He was in his own room, with a bottle of Vodka loosely gripped in his hand. His floor was littered with an assortment of things, such as empty bottles of Vodka, both dirty and clean clothes, and a bunch of cassette tapes.

The usual.

Beside him on the bed were at least five other bottles of the Vodka he bought at the store hours before, but none of them were opened, surprisingly.

He may have gotten into a fight with Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan a few hours ago about who could drink the most Vodka in one sitting without passing out, so the two other countries rushed to the same store Russia was in before to raid them of all their Vodka.

They would be an hour or two, so Russia used this time as a practicing round. He knew he would win, so he didn't sweat it. But he happened to remember the incident that happened beforehand with America and the mysterious someone, and now he was upset. Russia was a very dyspeptic Country, so this was somewhat normal for him.


This was the Russian's first bottle though, so he wasn't that intoxicated.

Buttttt, that didn't mean he was going to stop right now, either.

"Ugh- That глупый незнакомец..." (Stupid stranger) Russia muttered, taking another grand swig of his drink. He tried to speak English as much as he could, but he had a habit of going back into his native tongue when he was irritated. "...называя меня мудаком..." (...Calling me an asshole...) he grunted, not happy.

And he was allowed to.

Here Russia was, trying to be a decent country, even if his father was Communist. He wasn't even Commie anymore! America had given him a chance to prove he wasn't as much of a douchebag as everyone proclaimed him to be.

He was trying to be nice to that McDonald's lovin, self centred, oil hogging, capitalist brat! But what had that gotten him?

It had gotten him yelled at by an angry someone who happened to speak Russian!

All he did was see America, walk up to him and ask him not he was. Was that very bad?

Apparently yes, because he got himself yelled at in his own language! And he just stood there like a complete idiot! Just thinking about it got Russia's blood boiling again.

Yes, it was true that many other CountryHumans could speak languages other then their native tongues', but at least three-quarters of the ones whom had met Russia were absolutely terrified of him (I mean, he is the son of The USSR). So why would they insult him? He didn't know, and due to that he was getting angrier by the second.

"Next time I see Мудак-Man..." (Asshole) Russia continued to mutter as he thought of things he would do the next time he saw America with the cloaked figure. He couldn't remember how to pronounce Asshole properly in English, so he kept with Russian.

A vvvvery sweet punch in the vvface should do it...

USSR happened to be walking past Russia's room, and because the door was open, he heard his son mutter something about America.

He was currently on his way to ask Armenia if she knew where the heck Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan went, because they rushed out of the house at lighting speed, not telling him where they were going.

Nevertheless when he heard the familiar Capitalist country's name, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"That Америка.." (America.)

Soviet walked himself right into Russia's room, not giving a crap when he heard his son's protest of complaint. "ты сказал америка?" (Did you say America?) he asked his son, arms crossed and everything. He looked to Russia, and the latter glared right back up at him. Soviet's brown eye into Russia's.

"Da. Why?" (Yes.) Russia asked, the exact same monotone voice as his father. He would tell Soviet what happened between himself, America and the mystery person, but he was curious as to why his father wanted to know

Didn't America and him hate each other?

"Я собирался поговорить с Великобританией и хотел знать, сделала ли Америка что-нибудь." (I was about to speak with Britain and wanted to know if America had done anything.) USSR easily lied, shielding the real reason he wanted to know. Russia didn't think that was the real answer: The last time his father had spoken to Great Britain was two weeks ago (many curse words were used), so why would he go and talk to him now?

However, in the end Russia told Soviet everything.

After Russia explained himself, USSR was quite confused himself. He knew that America's children had come to StateHuman form, but the country had no reason to take one of them outside, especially when he said he wanted to keep them safe. He was still in deep thought, so he didn't really think when he asked his son a question.

"Собираетесь ли вы что-нибудь сделать по этому поводу?" (Are you going to do anything about this?) He spoke, but he was in his brain, trying to figure out who America was with. The question kind of just came out, and later, Soviet would grow to regret asking that.

Russia thought for a moment as well, then as if a lightbulb went off in his head, he smiled.

"Yes, I am," He confidently stated, finishing his bottle of Vodka. He threw it to the side, then stood up and walked right towards the door to his room, walking out.

Leaving a confused USSR.

Or at least he was, before everything clicked.

America had a son that used to belong to Father Empire, before he gave it away....

... He spoke Russian...

But America said he would never take his States outside unless it was absolutely necessary.

Looks like I'm taking a trip to America's.




after I figure out where Angel Boy and Azer went...

" . . ."

And that Salty ass-

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