Chapter 15: 'I feel good, I knew that I would,'

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Tuesdayyyyyyy Aprillllll 21stttttttt

Urgggg, an entire day late.... ughhhhhhh 😓😣
Please enjoy this longer-than-usual chapter as an apology.

The song mentioned is I Got You (I Feel Good) by James Brown and The Famous Flames.
(The bold are the lyrics, I was originally only going to slant them, but it was too confusing with Soviet's thoughts.)

I'm so happy that people are reading this! I actually thought that there would be like 100 reads at the most.... so thanks!

The States were suddenly all very quiet, and it even confused Canada for a moment, before he realized that the States didn't believe him. Does this Country not scare them? He terrified me... They looked between Canada and USSR, their icy-as-ever blue eyes piercing the Russian. There was only one State who Soviet could see that didn't have those bright blue orbs: Hawaii. Her's was brown, just like his own left eye, which was not covered with a patch.

He had seen that Alaska also had different coloured eyes, but that was because he was adopted by America. Izzz she not Amerikkka's real daughterrrr? Soviet questioned himself, looking at the hardwood flooring. Delaware cleared his throat, and everyone looked to him. "Uncle, is he really the Soviet Union?" He asked looking at Canada.

Canada looked back at Delaware, and spoke with utmost seriousness in his voice. "Yes. I can prove he's Russia's father..." he said, not wanting to look at USSR. If he had to prove it, it would result in something Soviet didn't want to do. "Do it," Delaware said simply, looking at Iowa. She nodded to him, approving of her brother's decision.

Canada gulped. He stood up and let Hawaii go, and she went over to Texas, lying with him. The Canadian country looked to Soviet, and shakily spoke to him, the fear of an upset Communist coming back. "S-Since Ame tells the States everything, n-name one thing that only y-you and he know..." he stuttered, looking down right after.

That was what Soviet didn't want to happen. He didn't want Canada, or the States to know about the Library, but that was the only thing on his mind that he could think only he and America knew about.

But if he wanted to know where the U.S.A. went with Alaska, he had no choice. And he still couldn't find a valid reason of why he wanted to do this. Maybe he was bored? Looking for adventure? And there always was something up with America, so he just went with that. "Vvvwee both knowww about the Library..." Soviet finally managed to mutter out. The States gasped. It was USSR. The USSR.

"Oh my rootin' tootin' gun..."


"UniiiiOn uNiOooN?"

"Is he related to Alaska?"

"ScArYy RuSsiaN!"

The States suddenly all bursted out screaming, all centered around the fact that the USSR, a Russian and Communist, was in their house. It was almost comical, how they all looked so surprised.

A few of the younger States hid behind the firsties, showing fear. If Soviet was back in his prime years, he would be laughing hysterically and freaking them out even more, but for some reason he felt.... Sympathetic.


"U-Uncle Nada', why is he here?" Oklahoma shakily asked, grasping onto New Mexico, with him doing the same. Canada was surprisingly not shaking in his feat like he was known to do.

He looked somewhat confident. "I brought him here so we can find out where Ame went," he explained, looking from the States to Soviet. The Russian nodded, and literally every State in the room then looked to Delaware and Iowa, who somehow got squished beside each other when their siblings scrambled.

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