Chapter 5: The Library of Knowledge.

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Februaryyyyyyyy 3rdddddddddd.


"Looks like Florida took a visit down the basement," America explained to his children, not amused. He hobbled into the living room after locking the door to the basement, and sat down on the couch, grabbing Hawaii and sitting her on his lap.

The other States quickly gathered around him, waiting for him to speak. America had a small notebook in his hand, and didn't look to happy with finding it down there.

"Pa, what's that there ye got?"

"This, Louisiana, is my notebook. It has very special things in it. It is what I was looking for before when Texas came and got me. It has the code to the basement, among other things that I took a vow not to tell anyone unless absolutely necessary," America explained. Before he opened the notebook, he looked to his children. "Anyone who touches it will face an incredibly long punishment," he added, and almost smirked when his the States' eyes widened to the size of suckers and some of them even nodded in understanding. The American Country then opened the notebook to the page which was strangely bookmarked. It read:

I know it wasn't a very nice thing to do. But I needed your notebook. I saw it when you left your door open and didn't appear to notice anything else, and I heard you say something about us. I was curious, and took it to take a look when you went to help Ari. But that's not important. I have noticed that we are the only non-countries that have a human-like form.

Canada's providence's don't have a form, and from reading this, I also know that other countries, like China's provinces, also don't have forms. It confuses me. And I have wanted to know more from the beginning, so I've grabbed the only other country (besides Uncle Canada) that knows about us;


She will accompany me to the place you were given to guard, The Library of Knowledge. I should be back in less than a month, depending on how quickly I find the knowledge I seek.
P.S: Texas, I leave Sincerely in your care.
P.S.S: Dad, you're writing literally looks like a font. And just ask out your crush already, I felt weird reading about it.

America read out loud, blushing immensely at the part about his so called crush. "What's The Library of Knowledge? And why was Florida-Man writing like that? He never speaks like that... Oh! And who's the Country you fancy?" Arkansas asked, looking at America. The last part had a touch of teasing in it, and the other States all gave him a confused look, wanting to know who it was, except for Iowa, who probably already knew who it was.

"It's a place only a few countries know of. It has been passed down through generations, with each protector having the job of making sure the Library stays as secret as possible, as it is a very sacred place. Other than Florida and Japan, there is only one other country and State that knows of it's existence, and where it resides. A-And my love life is n-none of your business!"


America looked puzzled about what his States were talking about; his crush, or the State. So America, not wanting to answer the first one, looked to the state that also knew about the Library. And they nodded. "Alaska, and USSR," The country concluded, knowing his States would go nuts.



Boy was he right. The states didn't know where to look; at their father or brother.

"How in tarnation' does Alaska know?" Texas asked, looking at Alaska in disbelief. "A feww vearzz ago, Amerikkka zaid he needed to zee Vuunion-Vvnion, and I requested to come... I vanted to see vvhat my old папа's son looked like," (Father's) Alaska said, pausing quite a bit. He was trying not to have a break-down with all the pent-up anger at both Soviet, and the Russian Empire, even though the latter was no longer in his Country Form.

"Not knowing I would be the next guardian, I said he could come, and we found out together. It was unintentional of course, but Soviet explained it to me before I could tell him that Alaska was right in the next room, hearing everything," America finished, closing his notebook. It took the states a few minutes to process this information, and America could practically see the gears turning in their heads. "But what about Florida-Man?" Hawaii asked, only half understanding what was said before.

"There's no other choice. Me and Alaska are going to get your brother,"

"Pa! I wanna come!"

"Me too!"

Now everyone wanted to come and save their brother. But America knew it would only put them in even more danger. "You guys know your not allowed into the outside world, unless it's in the backyard. Alaska is assisting me so if I need help he'll be there, and because he's the least to crack under pressure if something bad happens," The country said, lifting Hawaii so she was off his lap.

The small state then ran over to her older brother. "Is Alaska leaving?" Asked Hawaii, on the verge of tears again. "Yezzz. But Texazz vill look after vou," The State with cold dark blue skin said, picking her up.

Hawaii hugged him, tears admitting from her. She buried her head in the crook of his neck, and was slightly whimpering. Alaska also shed a tear, then walked her over to Texas, with the smaller state still in his arms.

"Texazz, look after her," Was what Alaska said, as he lowered his sister down to the southern State. "I'll try me best," Texas responded, taking Hawaii from his brother. His Lone Star Pupil showing how honest her was. The Hawaiian latched herself to Texas, then continued to cry on him. Alaska was about to bend down to hug Hawaii one more time, but was interrupted with his father's hand being placed on his shoulder.

"Alaska, we need to go now."

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