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He dropped down to the ground and his sword fell from his hand. He looked at the child and said in a watery voice, "Little brother" and the child gave a brilliant smile and said "Big brother" and struggled out of the many robes and tried to run to him but he stumbled because the robes were too big.

He was about to fall, when Xichen caught him and pulled him close and hugged him. Lan Wangji too hugged his brother and closed his eyes.

Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and the disciples were just standing there dumbfounded

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Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and the disciples were just standing there dumbfounded. Lan Xichen turned to them, pointing to the villain said in a low voice so as not to disturb the little brother in his arms and said, "Tie him up and do not let him regain consciousness. We'll put him a prison in the village and he will be tried for his sins here itself. It is not safe to take him with us all the way back to Cloud Recesses"

Jiang Cheng and the other two immediately nodded and took him through sword flying to the prison. But Wei wuxian hadn't moved from his place. He was staring at Lan Wangji without blinking.

Lan Xichen moved Lan Wangji a little further back and started checking for any injuries. "Is it hurting anywhere, Little brother?" He asked him in a worried tone.

"No brother I am fine" said Lan Wangji tilting his head to the right a bit. He caught sight of Wei wuxian's robes and slowly looked up at him.

Immediately he tried to hide his face in his brother's arms due to shyness. Lan Xichen chuckled a bit and gestured Wei wuxian to kneel. Wei wuxian knelt next to him and flashed a smile towards Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji immediately ducked his head down and peered at him with one eye.

Lan Xichen said with a smile in his voice, "Wangji do you know who he is?" Lan Wangji shook his head yes without lifting it up and said shyly, "Wei Ying, Friend".

Wei Wuxian was shocked, he always thought Lan Wangji didn't like him because of all his brashness and ability to create trouble.

But because kid Lan Zhan didn't know to hide his emotions, he said the truth that Wei Wuxian is his friend. Wei Wuxian was grinning like an idiot.

Lan Wangji first looked at his brother and then at Wei wuxian. He was looking so happy and all his teeth were showing and his eyes were half closed with how big his smile was.

"Yeah, Lan Zhan you are my best friend. When we get back, we can play with rabbits and swim in the pond and enjoy alot."

Lan Wangji took a few steps forward and came to stand in front of him. He bowed to him and then extended his hand for a handshake.

Wei wuxian too bowed and caught his small hand in his large one fully encasing it. Lan Wangji gave a small smile and said, "I'll play with you and keep you company but we should study also otherwise Uncle will scold. Okay?"

Wei wuxian looked in askance at Lan Xichen who was shaking with silent laughter at Wei Wuxian's predicament.

Wei wuxian controlled his horror that Lan Wangji was studious even at such a young age and said with a smile which was a bit shaky, "O-of course Lan Zhan, of course."

Lan Wangji gave a cute smile, which made his already adorable face more cute making Wei wuxian's heart melt into a puddle.

Lan Xichen stood up and checked around to see if there's any threat and said to Wei wuxian, "Let's go, we shouldn't be here for much time and we will have to deal with that man too."

Wei wuxian nodded his head and stood up and was about to take hold of Lan Wangji's hand but Lan Xichen said, "He won't be able to walk with his robes hanging off like this," he bent down and asked him, "Will you let Wei Ying carry you, I want to make sure no bad people come near us when we are going back?"

But Lan Wangji shook his head, "No, I can walk."
"I know little brother but we have to go back soon or uncle will be worried. Do you want him to

Lan Wangji bit his lip and again shook his head. "So will you come with Wei Ying?"

"Mn" he said with a slight pout and extended his arms towards Wei wuxian. He immediately lifted him up and held him securely in his arms. Lan Xichen wrapped Wangji's robes around him carefully and Wei Wuxian adjusted his grip.

Wei wuxian felt like holding a delicate flower and held the small figure with such care and tenderness

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Wei wuxian felt like holding a delicate flower and held the small figure with such care and tenderness.

Lan Xichen knew Lan Wangji would be perfectly safe with Wei wuxian and started walking with a lookout for any evil thing that would dare come near them.

Wei wuxian walked behind him and they kept a steady pace.

After sometime as they were nearing the place where the rogue cultivator was kept, Lan Wangji had fallen asleep with his head resting on Wei wuxian's shoulder.

Wei wuxian felt his head lolling and kept his hand behind his head, to secure him more.

He felt like wrapping this cute little bundle in a bubble and keep him away from all harm. He really didn't want to take Lan Wangji to the place where that rogue was kept.

He felt scared that bastard would hurt his Lan Zhan again. His whole being shuddered at the thought of the cultivator hurting child Lan Wangji.

He moved his arms in a tighter circle around him, as if he could keep the world from even seeing Lan Wangji in this vulnerable state.

Lan Xichen sensing his worries because he was going through the same thing said, "Don't worry, we'll not let anything happen to him. I'll make him tell what spell he used and get Wangji back to normal. He will not suffer."

He said this more to pacify his racing heart than to comfort Wei wuxian. Lan Wangji gave a small snore like sniffle and cuddled closer to Wei wuxian, resembling too much of his favorite animal. Wei Wuxian made a vow to protect his friend from any and all harm.

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