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The two adults reached the cottage, where Jiang Cheng was waiting at the door anxiously.

When he saw Lan Xichen carrying Lan Zhan, he sprinted towards him and asked, "What happened? Is he okay? Is he hurt? Why didn't he come with us?"

Before Xichen could answer him, Wei Ying said, " Shuu, don't wake him, he's sleeping."

Jiang Cheng was shocked to see his brother carrying a kitten and before he could open his mouth to ask about that, Xichen kindly said to him, "Just a moment A-Cheng, we'll settle these two and then tell you everything."

Jiang Cheng immediately kept quiet and nodded. Wei Ying was amused to see his brother so docile around Brother Lan. He decided to look into this after all this is over.

They made Lan Zhan lie down in the mattress on the ground as the bed was full. Wei Ying made the kitten lie down near the fireplace and kept a rug underneath it.

They came out and told Jiang Cheng everything and he was shocked with how much Lan Zhan thinks and cares about others.

He always had the idea that, Lan Zhan was a rule abiding student with powerful cultivation.

He never knew there was so much love and warmth for other people and even animals in his heart. He decided to never judge a person with their outward appearance because, most times that's just misleading.

They prepared the food, which was a  good thing, because after two hours, the eldest child woke up. He looked around and the first thing he checked was his two siblings.

Then he turned around and saw them standing near the bed. He quickly tried to huddle his sleeping siblings closer to him.

Lan Xichen raised his arms and said, "Calm down, we are not going to hurt you. We took you away from the lake as it was getting very cold and you three were drenched in snow. How are you now? Are you feeling cold?"

Hearing his calm and steady voice the boy relaxed and slowly got down from the bed. He bowed to them and thanked them, " Thank you Sirs, for saving us. I am extremely grateful to you. I thought we were going to die in the cold. I can work errands for you to make up for bringing us here."

They were shocked to hear such things and Wei Ying quickly knelt next to him and said,"Hey, hey, it's okay, don't worry. You don't have to repay us anything. Can you tell us your names? Where are you from?"

He hesitated but then he looked down to see Lan Zhan sleeping peacefully down near the cot.

He could remember seeing him and asking him for help. Xichen said, "He's my brother. He found you first. We are not going to harm you. I'm Lan Xichen from Gusu Lan Sect, this is Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. We are cultivators. You can trust us."

Hearing his explanation and seeing Lan Zhan, the boy deemed to have reached a decision.

He bowed again and said, " I'm Li Jie, that's my brother Li Jun and sister Li Jing. We come from next town. Our parents are working in the carnival.

We were just roaming around and suddenly it started snowing. We got lost and couldn't get back to the stalls. So we huddled in the cave and waited for our parents. But it was getting too cold."

They all nodded their heads and Xichen assured him that after his siblings wake up they will take them to their parents.

Li Jie was very happy and gave them a big smile full of relief. Wei Ying gave the food to him and he refused first but he was convinced and he ate a little.

After a while, Lan Zhan woke up and looked around sleepily. Noticing this Wei Ying immediately went near him and asked, "Lan Zhan how are you?"

"I'm fine Wei Ying. Is everyone alright?" Lan Zhan enquired and Wei Ying nodded and picked him up to feed him.

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