Changing Future

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Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng gasped seeing Lan Zhan respond to Wei Wuxian's promise. Wei Ying himself was stunned to see this.

Then Lan Zhan yawned and smiled sleepily, "Wei Ying, are we going somewhere?" He asked, "Umm..No" Wei Ying was confused with the sudden question.

"Then why are you..?" Lan Zhan trailed off gesturing with his hand between him and Wei Ying, asking as if, why is he being carried.

?" Lan Zhan trailed off gesturing with his hand between him and Wei Ying, asking as if, why is he being carried

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Wei Ying couldn't tell him his promise and he stuttered. Thankfully Xichen intervened, "A-Zhan, you had a fever from being in snow yesterday. You couldn't sleep properly, so Master Wei was trying to help you sleep."

Lan Zhan was shocked, "I had a fever? But Gege I feel fine now." "Yeah, Didi, that's because of the medicine. But we are very glad to hear you are feeling fine now. We were very worried A-Zhan" Xichen replied and stroked his hair.

Lan Zhan nodded and said, "Please don't worry, I'm fine now. Thank you for taking care of me. And sorry for troubling you."

He said this to all three of them. Before anyone could say anything, Jiang Cheng replied, "Lan Zhan, only you would apologise for falling sick."

Saying this he came closer and booped his nose. All the adults were shocked but none more so than Jiang Cheng himself.

He never thought he would be comfortable enough with Lan Zhan to even talk to him properly and now he is playing with him like he does with his brother.

But Lan Zhan just shyly ducked his head and pouted at being teased. He had come to see Jiang Cheng as a friend too in these past few days and was comfortable with him.

Wei Ying felt happy seeing his brother being open with his affections and not hiding behind a veil of arrogance.

He got his bearings together and said, "Ahh, Lan Zhan it's good to see you awake and smiling. But do you know what would be even better?" He asked with a dramatic flair.

"What is it Wei Ying?" He enquired innocently. "Food Lan Zhan food" Wei Ying said with a huge grin.

"Aren't you hungry? I can hear your stomach growling, is there a bear in there....can you hear it saying brrrrr brrr?" Wei Ying made funny faces and tickled his belly making him giggle.

"Nooo, Wei Ying I don't have a bear in my stomach. Gege tell him that." Lan Zhan was pouting.

Xichen too laughed at this scene and said, "Well to prove that you have to eat didi. Only then your stomach will stop growling." Lan Zhan agreed to eat and they sat around the table.
Lan Xichen silently thanked Wei Ying with a nod because he knew if Wei Ying hadn't done that, Lan Zhan wouldn't have eaten because we lose our appetite when sick,

but it is extremely important to have some food, otherwise an empty stomach may cause more problems. Wei Ying just shook his head conveying it was nothing.

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