Path of Future- I part

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Wei Ying woke up after a few hours. He looked down to see Lan Zhan still curled by his side. He saw everyone else was asleep as well. He gently stroked Lan Zhan's head. He was excited to get the grown Lan Zhan back, but still he would immensely miss this mini version of him.

He felt guilty for feeling like that, but he couldn't help but miss baby Lan Zhan. He's so open with his thoughts and shows his affections. He doesn't hide behind a cold exterior. He knows he can't expect the same level of closeness with adult Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying knows he had promised to change Lan Zhan, but he wasn't sure how he was going to do that. Will Lan Zhan remember these seven days or will he not know about anything that happened? But the thing is if Lan Zhan remembers, what if he gets angry at them for treating him like a baby and that will make him hate Wei Ying.

So many doubts and confusion, too many mixed feelings, he just can't sleep. His breathing increased and he felt like crying. He could feel the anxiety rise in him.

Will he lose this friendship with Lan Zhan? How can he go back to not being friends with him? He pulled the sleeping Lan Zhan tighter against him as if that would keep him by his side always.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Lan Xichen awake and looking at him. Wei Ying slowly whispered, "Umm...Brother Lan, sorry did I disturb you?"

Lan Xichen shook his head no and then he too patted his hand on Lan Zhan's arm. He also said in a low voice, "Master Wei, I woke up because I couldn't sleep. I know what you are thinking. It's not that different from what's going on in my mind."

Wei Ying responded, "No Brother Lan, he might hate me for behaving so close to him. Or he might not remember this and he will still hate me as I'll just be an unruly student in from of him. He will never hate you."

Lan Xichen spoke with a smile, "Don't look so sad Master Wei, nothing so drastic will happen. He will not hate you if he remembers all this. He may not show it but he will be glad that you handled him so sweetly.

And even if he doesn't remember these few days, he's not going to hate you because he considered you his friend even before he was changed remember. He didn't tell you that because he thought you might break even more rules if you thought he's on your side.

So stop assuming the future would be so bleak. Didn't you promise, you will make him enjoy life more and teach him to vocalize his feelings?

Are you going to accept defeat even before trying? I didn't expect such a reaction from you Master Wei. I thought you had more will power than this." Lan Xichen knew he may sound harsh, but it was to encourage Wei Wuxian and to kindle the burnt out fire in his heart.

Just like he expected, Wei Ying took a deep breath and said, "You are right Brother Lan, I will not accept defeat. I know it's going to be hard, but I'll first make myself worthy to be called Lan Zhan's friend and then I'll make him accept that.

After that I'll show him how to let loose once in a while and make him see life in a whole new way. I will not stop trying to do that till my last breath-"

But before he could continue Jiang Cheng interrupted whispering, "You don't have to wait till you dying breath. You are too annoying, so just to shut you up, Lan Zhan will do all you ask before long.

Trust me, annoying others to the point where they listen to you is your most valuable power, I've experienced it myself."

Jiang Cheng had woken up after they started speaking and he heard Wei Ying's worries. He didn't know what to say to console him and moreover it looked like Lan Xichen was doing a good job.

But if you get Wei Wuxian too determined on something then that is a recipe for danger. That's why he spoke now and teased him, so that he might tone it down a bit.

Wei Ying was surprised to see him awake and then scowled when he heard what Jiang Cheng said. He said with a pout, "I'm not annoying. People do what I ask them because I'm irrestible and they all love me."

Jiang Cheng scoffed, "Irrestible my foot. I've resisted myself from kicking you ass many times" he said, but it was not in a malicious tone. They might not share blood, but they were definitely brothers.

But then he continued, "You know, I should be the actual one worrying about everything. We've never spoken to each other before the spell, so if he forgets everything, he might not even consider me his friend. He'll totally forget about me. And even if he does remember, he might not talk to me again"

Jiang Cheng may not show it, but he was also worried. It hurt him to think that he'll loose a friend, even though that friend will be right in front of him. Wei Ying felt bad for Jiang Cheng. He hadn't given this a thought. He didn't turn around as Lan Zhan was still sleeping but he moved his hand back and patted on Jiang Cheng's.

Lan Xichen spoke up, "Master Jiang Master Wei, as you might have seen, he may appear so rigid and stoic, but that's just a front. My didi is a very soft hearted person. If he remembers all this, he might be embarrassed but he will never hate you for taking care of him in this vulnerable state. And even if he forgets all this, he will not be cruel to you guys.

Yes he may not talk much but if you keep your promise and show that you are serious about your studies, then he might show you that he considers you his friend. From there you can help him open up. Jiang Cheng you can befriend him again.

And what am I here for, I'll help you both. I want A-Zhan to have friends, people he can fall back on and I can't think of anyone else better than you two.

So I'll help in whatever plans you make. So stop worrying and go to sleep. Everything will turn out fine. Our destiny is in our own hands and we have to make it favourable to us. Alright."

They both nodded and they felt lighter knowing they will be together in this journey. They all settled again and after a few minutes their breaths became deep and long. Only then did Lan Zhan open his eyes. They were filled with tears.

Hai my dear friends, good news is my exams have been cancelled because of Covid19

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Hai my dear friends, good news is my exams have been cancelled because of Covid19. So you will get regular updates. This is a short chapter, but you will get another soon. 

Thank you all for supporting and loving this story. Each one of you is precious to me.

Love you all and please stay safe.

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