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After a few minutes, Lan Zhan pulled away and he went near the window again. He was mesmerized by the snow.

"Big Brother, Can we go out? I want to play in snow." He pleaded Lan Xichen. No one could say no to that pouting face.

So he agreed, but Wei Wuxian made a condition, "Lan Zhan we can go out only if you have a warming talisman with you. Okay?"

Lan Zhan agreed easily and Wei Ying made it and gave to him. Then all of them went out and Lan Zhan was so happy.

He was running in the snow and kept making small snow balls out of it. After sometime, they reached a lake. Nearby the lake, there were many plants and it was covered in snow.

Wei Ying went and shook a shrub and all the snow fell down. Seeing this Lan Zhan gasped and he wanted to do the same. All the adults were laughing and enjoying to see him taking joy in such small things.

Suddenly Lan Zhan stopped playing and walked towards a small cave that was hidden in the snow. Lan Xichen noticing this went after him. He could sense some presence there.

Both of them peered inside and saw three kids hiding in there. They were shivering and hugging each other.

The eldest saw them and pleaded, "p-please hhhelp uss. Att leasst take my sister aandd brotherr with you. Tthey are vvery ccold" .

He was shivering so much and his teeth were chattering. The younger two couldn't even speak. Seeing this both of them were very worried. Lan Zhan's eyes welled up and tears fell down.

He turned around and clutched his brother's hand tightly. "Brother we must help them. We should warm them up."

Saying this he gave his warming talisman to the little girl. "Yes Wangji, don't worry. We'll take them to our cottage." Wei Wuxian amd Jiang Cheng saw them huddling behind the cave and went there.

Seeing the plight of the three children, both of them were very shocked and worried. Lan Zhan saw them and told, "Wei Ying, please give them the warming talisman you gave me. I've given mine to the little girl, she's almost blue with cold."

Wei Wuxian immediately made two more and gave them to the two brothers. The one who spoke earlier checked on his siblings and only after seeing them warm up, he kept his talisman closer to him.

He looked at them and bowed his head as much as he could while hugging his younger siblings and thanked them.

Lan Xichen said to Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, "we'll carry them to our cottage. The talisman will not be enough. They need fire and warm food to bring their temperature to normal."

Each carried one child with them and Lan Zhan started to walk beside them. All of them were hurrying, so that the children will not be hurt more.

The three of them reached their cottage and covered the children with blankets and Jiang Cheng heated the food and water. Wei Ying started the fire and kept them near it. Lan Xichen was heating the whole place.

Wei Ying called out, "Lan Zhan, please the pillow from the bed." But he didn't receive any answer. He turned around to see where he is, but Lan Zhan was no where to be found.

He went outside to see if he's taking any wood, but Lan Zhan was not there. He panicked and went inside shouting, "Lan Zhan is not here. Oh Goodness, I searched everywhere but he's not here. Brother Lan, Jiang Cheng did you see him? Where is he?"

Both Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng were shocked and stunned. Lan Xichen too started panicking and went to look for him.

But he couldn't find him anywhere. Jiang Cheng looked at both of them and tried to calm them but to no avail.

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