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After a few minutes, Lan Zhan started muttering in his sleep. He looked restless. Xichen immediately tried to calm him down by rubbing at his arm and his forehead. "A-Zhan, shuu, it's okay, what's wrong Didi?" He tried to bring some awareness in his brother.

Wei Ying had come back sometime earlier and was tending to the fire. Hearing to Lan Zhan's suffering, he sprinted to his bed side and laid a hand over his other arm. Both of them were trying to help him, but he was not responding to their calls.

Jiang Cheng was mixing the herb medicine, he thought maybe the dosage was not enough as the fever had not gone down.

He could see both his Brother and Lan Xichen panicking, truth be told, he himself was freaking out. But he couldn't just sit around doing nothing,so he occupied himself by mixing the medicine.

Suddenly Lan Zhan gave a sob and cried out, "Uncle, I'm So-sowwy, please forgive me, I'll do my hom-homework. I-I won't bweak any rules, please let Mother see me." He was stammering due to crying so much. His breath was coming in gasps and he kept on saying sorry. His face was flushed.

Xichen knew immediately what his brother was seeing in his dreams and he was very close to sobbing himself. His baby brother still thought their Mother left them because he broke some rules.

He couldn't stop himself from lifting Lan Zhan up from the bed and hugged him tight.

He couldn't stop the tears and said, "No Didi, you did nothing wrong. No one is angry at you. Mother loves you so much. I love you, Uncle is not angry. Stop crying A-Zhan. We love you didi." He kept his arms around his brother and kept on murmuring reassurances

Wei Ying and  Jiang Cheng were speechless. They couldn't understand what was happening. Seeing Lan Zhan like this was very difficult in itself, but now seeing the always serene and calm Lan Xichen, crying, just about broke their heart. Their hearts were aching to see the Twin Jades of Lan like this.

Slowly Lan Zhan opened his eyes. He wriggled a bit, so Xichen loosened his arms and looked at his face. "Gege, Mother is not opening the door. Pwease tell her to open it. I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy, Gege pwease. Mother, Mother." Lan Zhan was begging his brother. His lisp was back and he was truly a child now.

Lan Xichen felt helpless then and he was feeling helpless now also. How can he make his brother believe this was not his fault. Seeing his crying face, he felt anger towards his Father, his Clan,he wanted to destroy something anything.

Seeing his brother blame himself for their Mother's death, without even knowing anything was traumatizing for both of them and to relive this again was literally killing him

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Seeing his brother blame himself for their Mother's death, without even knowing anything was traumatizing for both of them and to relive this again was literally killing him.

But he gathered his broken heart, because he has to be strong for Lan Zhan. He will not let his brother suffer once more. "A-Zhan, Mother is not angry at you. Who told that huh? She is not here, because she's gone down the mountains for buying clothing materials. She said she wanted to surprise you and get you clothes of purple, red and other different colours.

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