Tunes of melody

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Hello my dear friends, I'm extremely sorry for the delay. These three weeks have been so hectic, it's like the days went away in a blink. I know I shouldn't make excuses. Please forgive me.

I've written an extra long chapter, but I wrote in just one day. So I don't know if it would meet your expectations. Please do let me know how it is. And another request, kindly take read the After note. Enjoy the chapter.

Lan Xichen had woken up after sometime and saw Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng sitting by the fire reading something.

He slowly moved Lan Zhan away from him and got up. He went near them and asked, "What are you both reading at this time of the day?"

Wei Ying stood up and said, "Brother, we bought a pan flute and dizi from the market. The owners were playing them and the sounds were so ethereal and amazing that we couldn't help but buy them, even when we don't know how to play them."

Jiang Cheng showed him the flute and dizi. Lan Xichen carefully received them and inspected them.

"These are in really good condition and are an excellent choice of instruments. I'm very happy you bought them. Are you reading the music notes? Can you both understand it?"

Jiang Cheng replied, "Well we are trying to, but truth be told we can't understand anything." He was disheartened thinking they'll never be able to use the instruments.

Seeing their long faces Xichen chuckled and said," Don't worry you both, I'll teach you the basics, from there you can develop and when we get back to Gusu there are many people who can teach you."

Both of their faces lighted up, Wei Ying exclaimed, "Oh Brother, I forgot, you play the Xiao right. Of course you can teach us the basics. Thank you so much Brother."

Saying this he bowed and Jiang Cheng too bowed his head. Lan Xichen was happy to see them eager to learn the instruments.

According to him music can calm one's heart and mind. It's good for both the one who's playing the instruments and for people who are listening to it.

"After you learn them, all four of us can practice and play together. We can create new tunes and improvise old ones." He said happily and the other two nodded enthusiastically.

The kitten started meowing loudly from the bed where he was laying near Lan Zhan.

He was hungry and his humans didn't give him food. Before they can shush him, the noise woke up Lan Zhan.

He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. Wei Ying was annoyed at the kitten for disturbing Lan Zhan and picked him up and scolded, "Did you really had to shout so loud." The kitten just licked his small paw and stared at Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan woke up a bit more and sighed, "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep while eating. That was not right of me."

He apologized because he felt it was bad manners to do that. Wei Ying shook his head and replied, "Ahh Lan Zhan, you were sick and tired. There's no need to apologise. In fact you should rest more."

Lan Zhan gave a negative response, "No Wei Ying, I feel fine and refreshed. Thank you for taking care of me." He expressed his gratefulness.

Wei Ying silently scoffed at the Lan Clan's impeccable manners even at such a young age. But outside he just nodded and said, "Lan Zhan, do you know an important rule of friendship?"

Lan Zhan shook his head no, so Wei Ying continued,"There is no Thank you and Sorry in Friendship. This rule must be followed always. You consider me your friend right,?"

"Yes, my best friend" Lan Zhan said earnestly, Wei Ying felt that weird feeling in his stomach again, but ignored that and continued saying, "Then you must never thank me. Please follow this rule too along with all the other three thousand Gusu rules."

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