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Lan Xichen finally saw Jiang Cheng coming with an old man. Jiang Cheng carried a small sack. The duo reached the cottage and  Jiang Cheng introduced him as Healer Qin.

Xichen bowed down to the Healer and said, "Please take care of brother. He's not responding to our calls. I tried to check his core but couldn't find anything wrong with it." He updated the Healer as they entered the cottage.

"Hmm, let me check him, only then I'll be able to tell for sure" the Healer didn't give false reassurances but he tried to keep them calm.

Wei Ying was about to bombard him with questions but Jiang Cheng stopped him with a hand on his arm. He knew his brother was worried but he couldn't let him delay the Healer with questions.

Healer Qin was told about the spell's effects by the village elders after they had interviewed the rogue. He knew about Lan Zhan's unique condition.

So he knew whom he was dealing with. He checked his pulse, opened his eyes, checked everything and rechecked to be sure.

After making sure what the problem was, he took some herbs from the small sack and mixed them to make a paste. He applied it on Lan Zhan's forehead. Then he packed three different herbs in small cloth packs and gave it to Xichen.

"Please be assured, it's nothing serious" he said the important news and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. "Then why is he not waking up Sir?" Wei Ying asked not being able to control his worry and confusion any longer.

"He is suffering from cold and fever. It does not affect his core because it's not directly related to the spell." He replied.

"What do you mean by not directly related?" Lan Xichen enquired. "Was he in the snow yesterday?" Healer Qin asked and Xichen nodded, "He fell into the frozen lake and was stuck in the snow for a few minutes."

He replied with a sad tone, because he blamed himself for not taking better care of his brother.

"He helped rescued a few kids and when we were bringing them here, he stayed back to help the kitten. That's why he fell in the lake" Interjected Jiang Cheng, he didn't like Xichen blaming himself.

Xichen gave him a grateful smile, he understood Jiang Cheng was telling him to not blame himself.

"But Lan Zhan is so strong, why would he be affected by a normal cold?" Questioned Wei Ying.

He was not convinced that his mighty Lan Zhan could succumb to something so trivial as cold. He still doubted it was the spell and wanted to kick the rogue's ass.

"I can understand your doubt. But you have to realize that grown up Hanguangjun is strong and powerful. His Spiritual Core is well cultivated.

His body was shrunk due to the spell not his Core. So his physical Core is overworking to contain such a massive Spiritual Core in this tiny body.

His system does not have the energy to produce antibodies that could fight against germs.

That's why the cold has affected him and given him a cold and high temperature. This is the reason I said, it's not directly related to the spell but still it's responsible for his illness because if he had been normal, his Core would not have let the cold affect him." He completed his diagnosis with this.

"I'm relieved it's not anything life threatening. We all were worried" said Xichen.

But Wei Ying was angry, "Brother Lan, directly or not, it's the rogue's fault. I still say, we should punish him for hurting Lan Zhan. I have a few talisman that will teach him the lesson to never use any spell in his next ten lives" raged Wei Ying.

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