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Both of them reached the area where the rogue was imprisoned. Jiang Cheng was waiting at the door. When he saw them, he came forward and pretended to not look at Lan Wangji, but his eyes were constantly looking down at the  bundle in Wei Wuxian's hands.

Wei Ying knew his brother is a good man but he just wanted to protect Lan Zhan from everybody. He didn't want anyone seeing him in such a vulnerable state. He has always been so strong and powerful, so seeing him like this, is making Wei Ying so protective of him like a mama bear.

Lan Xichen enquired about the rogue and Jiang Cheng said he was kept in a cell, tied up and unconscious.

Lan Xichen turned to Wei Wuxian and said worriedly, "I don't think it will be good to bring Wangji with us to the rogue now. We must interrogate him and only after we make sure he will reverse the curse, we should take Wangji to him".

Wei Ying agreed with Lan Xichen, he didn't want to even be in the same city as the rogue with baby Lan Zhan.

"Yes Big Brother Lan, you are absolutely right. We must not take any chances with Lan Zhan's safety. You people make sure he cooperates with us, then I will bring Lan Zhan".

"Is he okay?" Jiang Cheng asked because he couldn't see anything other than just white robes.

"He's fine for now, but we have to find a cure immediately, otherwise we don't what the long term effects could be" said Lan Xichen.

"Yes, we shall go and get answers from him. Please don't worry,  everything will be fine Master Lan" Jiang Cheng tried to assure Lan Xichen as he could see, he was very worried for his brother.

Then he said to Wei Wuxian that a room has been prepared for them, a little away from the cell holding the rogue and he can wait there with Lan Wangji till they sort it out.

Wei Wuxian carried the sleeping child to the room and the other two went to find the rogue. Lan Xichen was going to hail hell on him for hurting his brother.

Lan Wangji was sleeping soundly without any worry, when all others were so worried about him. After they reached the room Wei Ying saw a small cot and slowly lowered Lan Zhan to the bed.

Lan Zhan immediately snuggled closer to the pillow and let out a cute sigh. Wei Ying slowly caressed his hair back and Lan Zhan leaned into his touch.

Wei Ying felt a tight feeling in his chest. He didn't know what it was, but what he definitely knew was he wouldn't let anything happen to Lan Zhan.

He was one of his important people. He thought Lan Zhan is his best friend, that's why he is so protective of him. But what Wei Wuxian himself didn't realize yet is, he was in love with Wangji.

After a few minutes, Lan Zhan slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed at it with a small fist and yawned. Wei Wuxian had to bite his cheek to stop from cooing at him.

For Wei Ying seeing Lan Zhan like this was so cute and adorable. "Wei Ying, where are we? Where is Big Brother?" Lan Wangji asked looking around the unfamiliar room. But he didn't panic because he trusted Wei Wuxian.

"Uhh Lan Zhan we are in an inn and Big Brother has gone to purchase something. Why don't we eat, you must be hungry right, cause I'm also very hungry" Wei Wuxian tried to say it with a gummy smile on his face, so that he can distract Lan Zhan from asking too many questions.

He knew the boy is very clever and he will understand something is wrong, if given even a tiny hint.

Lan Wangji nodded his head and tried to get up from the cot but the robes got stuck between his legs and he would have face planted on the floor, if Wei Wuxian hadn't caught him for the second time that day.

"Heyyy it's okay, I've got you", saying this Wei Wuxian lifted him in his arms and then made him sit on his shoulders.

(Cr: nandarsoe2002)

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(Cr: nandarsoe2002)

Lan Zhan was giggling with the sudden height change and gripped Wei Ying's hair. Wei Wuxian made a Whooosh sound and circled the room a few times to make it seem like they were sword flying.

Lan Zhan was so happy and he kept laughing. Wei Wuxian had never heard Lan Wangji laugh so hard, why he hasn't even seen a smile just a few upturns of his lips rarely.

So to hear him be happy was making him so excited and he could also finally laugh after being so scared for this whole time.

"Aahh Lan Zhan, I'm so tired with our flying, can we eat something now?" "Yyeess Wei Ying" Lan Zhan was breathless with all the laughter.

Then Wei Wuxian dropped him in a chair and took the food they had brought for the journey from the bags which had been brought to this room. He gave a bun to Lan Zhan and he also took one.

Lan Zhan ate it carefully without spilling any crumbs, but Wei Wuxian was eating it messily.

Lan Zhan saw this and caught his hand and said seriously for a three year old child, "Wei Ying eat slowly and close your mouth while chewing".

Wei Wuxian stared at him with disbelief and then gave his bark like laugh, "Lan Zhan you are too much. Who is the adult here huh?"

But he did as asked because he can never deny Lan Zhan. Lan Wangji hummed happily and then ate his food.

Wei Wuxian then started thinking it's been more than an hour and I've got no news from others. Has the rogue accepted to reverse the spell or not.

He was worried and Lan Zhan saw his scared face. He didn't know what was wrong but he couldn't see Wei Ying sad. So he carefully jumped down the chair and walked towards Wei Wuxian.

He gently placed his small hand on his knee and Wei Wuxian looked down at him.

"Don't worry Wei Ying, everything will be fine. Mother told me, good people face a lot of troubles but they will always win because the Universe rewards good deeds with good results only. You are a good person, so whatever is troubling you will go away".

Saying this he leaned against him and Wei Ying immediately lifted him up on his lap and hugged him tight. He placed his chin on Lan Zhan's head and closed his eyes.

There were tears because even though Lan Zhan was a small child, he still was so brilliant and thought maturely for his age.

He knew Lan Zhan is special but seeing this, a small child trying to cheer up an adult made him fall in love with him even more. He may not understand the feeling yet but it was definitely there.

"Lan Zhan I'm fine, as long as you are with me and fine, I won't worry about anything" Wei Ying said.

"I'll always be with you Wei Ying, you are my best friend" said Lan Zhan without any hesitation and maybe baby Lan Zhan didn't understand the depth of this promise but grown up Lan Zhan will always keep this promise no matter what happens.

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