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It has been three days of Baby Lan Zhan. Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng had tried their best to give him happy moments and memories to think back after he was changed.

But truth be told,Lan Zhan was the one who gave them more happiness. He made Wei Ying realize how much he meant to him.

Wei Ying was never sure with adult Lan Zhan but now even he understood that Lan Zhan considered him as his friend, whether he outright says it or not.

Lan Xichen was happy to see his baby brother behave like a child once again. He could enjoy those small things without overthinking of consequences.

He had grown up too soon and that always made Lan Xichen feel like he had failed as an Older brother. These few days and Lan Zhan's happy face had soothed his pained heart a bit.

Jiang Cheng was less awkward. He had opened himself to not only Lan Wangji but he had started a friendship with Lan Xichen too.

He could also see how happy his brother was. He could see how Lan Wangji is a calming presence to his brother's agitation and restlessness.

He just hoped this would continue even after he turns back to normal, because both could benefit from this friendship, as Lan Wangji would be a silent support to Wei Ying and Wei Ying would add a spark to Lan Wangji's monotonous life.

As all three of them were contemplating the past few days happenings, Lan Zhan was soundly asleep after a tiring but awesome day at the carnival.

He clutched a small pouch in his hands which contained the toys they had bought for him. He refused to part from it after they had arrived at the room.

The three of them felt proud of themselves to have gotten a smile on his face. They all soon followed him to dreamland.

The next day when everyone woke up, they saw the whole place to be covered in snow.

Lan Zhan was particularly excited, "Older Brother, it looks exactly like our home, doesn't it?" He was asking Lan Xichen. "Yes Wangji, you like it?" "Yes yes yes" he said with a huge grin on his face.

Lan Xichen and Wei Ying exchanged a glance seeing his enthusiasm. Jiang Cheng had brought them food and he called Lan Zhan to eat. He went away from the window reluctantly and sat down to eat.

Wei Wuxian came near Lan Xichen and asked him, " Have you noticed it?" "Yes, Master Wei, he behaves like a real child when he is extremely happy or sad

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Wei Wuxian came near Lan Xichen and asked him, " Have you noticed it?" "Yes, Master Wei, he behaves like a real child when he is extremely happy or sad. It's like he forgets that he is a grown man at that time."

"Yes, exactly. Brother Xichen, I'm worried that as time goes by, he'll really forget it and become a child. I think that rogue lied to us. We must make him change Lan Zhan back immediately." Said Wei Ying with an expression mixed with worry and anger.

"Wei Ying, but he already said that, even though he remembers everything, it'll be from a child's perspective, so maybe the rogue didn't lie. I think we must wait till the seventh day." Lan Xichen said, so that he can calm both Wei Wuxian and himself. He didn't want to take any rash decisions.

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