Chapter 12

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I was completely engulfed in endless darkness that streamed everywhere around me. What the hell just happened?

"I'm very sorry for what i have done all those years ago little one but my loyalties remain to the villains" A voice said, kurogiri to be exact.

I had let my guard down for a moment during that emotional outburst, that kurogiri took advantage and covered me in mist to teleport me elsewhere. I couldn't move or act. 

"Y/N-Chan!!" Ochaco-chan's voice wailed.
"I'm fine Ochaco-chan! Thirteen please try your best to defend them!" I shouted before getting teleported back to the Plaza.

Dammit! I got too distracted!

Midoriya POV

"I was trying to keep my composure but i couldn't stay calm-"
"Midoriya-chan please stop that, you're freaking me out" Asui interrupted my usual muttering storms.
"Oh sorry" I uttered.
"Instead of reflecting back, shouldn't you think about what to do next?" Asui said, facing towards me.
"Y-You're right"

I grunted from the pain and held my wrist tightly. This fight was far from over yet i already have an injury that might put me out of action if we encounter more villains. The pain never gets old!

I quickly covered up the swollen fingers with my left elbow cloth.

"Are you alright?" Asui asked.
"A-Ah yeah. Anyway, we should make getting help our top priority. We head towards the shore, avoid the main plaza as we head to the exit" I explained.
"That's true. But Aizawa-sensei is all alone holding back that large group"

I thought, there are too many villains. Of course Aizawa-sensei and Y/N-chan are trying to suppress them but Y/N-chan's defending the other students on the exit.

"But sensei's overexerting himself by jumping right on that crowd to protect us and Y/N is nowhere near him for extra support"
"E-Eh? Midoriya don't tell us..." Mineta started to sweat.
"I'm not saying that we should go off and charge right into the enemy but if we could find an opening and lessen sensei's load maybe just a bit..."


We hid ourselves right below the main flooring of the plaza, seeing sensei fighting villains left and right. Sensei seemed fatigued from defending against villains since it was obviously acknowledged by the lack of speed put into his combat prowess right now.

We watched at how sensei was out of breath and was currently panting, resting in place for a short while. He's at his limit. 

Footsteps were heard from the other side, soon the sounds increased rapidly. We turned our heads towards the blue haired villain, who charged towards sensei.

Sensei attempted to ensnare the rushing villain but he steadily grabbed the binding cloth that was shot towards him. Sensei then elbowed the villain right at his stomach.

We reacted with joy but it soon faded as we saw sensei's elbow's skin crumbling as if it was being decayed. Dammit why are we just watching!?

I began to worry at how multiple villains surrounded him but he handled it quite well with only one wing available for fighting. He had a hard time keeping up and catched his breath as the villain began talking.

"You're so cool! So cool!" He acknowledged Aizawa-sensei and admired at how long he held up and being injured at the same time.

"By the way hero.."

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