Chapter 7: May the Best Man Win

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(Kingdom of Han)

Frank, Simon and his batallion prepared for the plan for their next mission, to the Kingdom of Han. They decided to still fight at nighttime. As compared with their previous fights, they are more armed, with more weapons and with more soldiers, and the walls are too tall for them to climb. They also plan on how to combat the king and queen while Ling will not be around to fight. Frank and Simon instead to take the lead, while Peter will command the batallion.

Then they prepared themselves, including Ling, to travelled towards the northeast. Frank asked Ling to ride the horse with him and he gets surprised when Ling agrees with him.

While they travelled, he noticed Ling looks from afar in the horizon with her deep thoughts, while Frank gets tempted to smell her hair and have a deep breath, until he memorize the scent of it.

Frank then sweetly whispered in her right ear and said "Are you ok now?"

Ling turned back her head, then she noticed that she almost kissed Frank's lips, while she feels his deep breath. She then leans backward "Yes, am not too well yet but am still fine." She then turn away and looking back at the horizon.

Frank never have an idea that Ling is imagining moments with him as Ling is about to analyze and soul searching her feelings towards Frank. While Frank thinks what if he accidentally kissed her at that moment, if she will respond to him. Frank takes a deep breath again, wanting to confess something to Ling, to pursue his love towards her. But he was overruled by his fear of being rejected. He realize Simon is right and he is convinced that Ling likes him. This time Frank is too afraid and instead he decided to confess it at the right time.

Then they arrive at the destination. It was already late afternoon, when the sun is about to set. They do the setup, having their early supper and go towards the kingdom, while Ling is left at the headquarters, get rested and sleep.

They secretly climb the tall walls of the kingdom and they were able to reach the top. Frank and Simon headed towards stairs to look for the king and the queen. The queen is at the living room reading a book when she noticed a footstep from the entrance door. Then she hurriedly get a spear. She looks where it goes, then she see Simon attacks her. Then they do the fight. Simon fights himself hard to fight because the queen is too quick to fight with a spear. Simon instead gets the spear also since it cannot be manageable anymore with a sword. Simon, who is not acquainted to martial arts, fights as much as he could to kill her. Frank then saw Simon almost get defeated, quickly run towards the queen and show his martial arts stunts. Then queen accidentally bumps towards Simon then Simon secretly thrust a knife along her chest.

Then they both run and look for the king. The king already noticed that his kingdom was invaded. As he lead towards the downstairs to fight with the soldiers, along the hallway, he was blocked by Frank and Simon. The king recognized Frank "You again?" Frank then responded "it doesn't matter," Then Simon and Frank do the fight towards him. The king is too strong and athletic to combat both of them. They realize they might both be defeated by the king. Frank does not expect that the king is expert in martial arts as when he encountered him before, they did the fist fight and that the king got defeated. Their last encounter is when king flirts with a slut girl but the slut girl gets hooked by Frank.

Then the massive soldiers attacks on both of them. Their batallion also rescued them. Simon leaves Frank to combat the soldiers while Frank still fights with the king.

Frank almost get defeated. He lies himself at the floor, left unarmed, when somebody from the rooftop riding with a rope approaches the king and do the kick on king's face.

Then that somebody wearing skintone sleeveless and camouflage pants with booths went down afar from the king. She handed with her at the back the arrows and the sword, with knife and rope at cargo pockets.

Then she throw it with arrows while the king is still escaping the arrows, until the arrow throws on his stomach. Frank gets surprised as she gets here. Frank was about to follow her going towards the king when he was invaded by the soldiers and instead do the fight with them. That somebody went towards the king while the king removes the arrow in his stomach and attacks her. They both fight, showcasing their stunts. Ling gets surprised as the king can still attack her despite wounded. She gets challenged fighting him with sword and rope while the king also holds the sword. Then the fight ended with Ling tied the king with a rope along the kneck till she kills him.

Frank gets surprised that after all this time, Ling still rescues him. He wondered why Ling knows how to use the arrow.

The fight is over when Frank approached her "Wow! You're wearing a different suit. And you know how to use arrows! So impressive! So impressive!" Frank sarcastically said to her.

"Frank, after all this time, you're still sarcastic. Anyway, thank you for taking care of me. Let's go Simon."

Ling walks away disappointed, approaching Simon who waited for both of them.

Frank follows on both of them, feeling sad he gets Ling disapponted once again.

Then they went back to their headquarters.

Ling talks with Simon while Frank walks away from them, drinking liquor outside while looking at the sky. They did not notice it is already dawn when Ling gets cold and Simon hugs her when Frank caught them. Frank, already drunk, gets uneasy to see both of them, that Simon still hugs her.

He wishes to assault them but he realizes Ling might avoid him when he assaults Simon.

He just turn away, looking at the sky, tears fallen from his eye. He gets even more hurtful that Ling might fall in love with Simon. Then when he looks back again, Simon and Ling are not anymore there.

Then he looks for them, with his dirty thoughts they might do something sexual. He went inside the headquarters, at Ling's bedroom. He slips the curtain to see inside. Thankfully, Ling falls asleep alone. When he turns back, he see Simon.

"Bro, I want to talk to you." Simon said.

Frank, this time, is too haggard and drunk, still manages to handle himself.

Simon and Frank went outside and seated. Simon then confessed he liked Ling and he apologizes Frank.

Frank wishes him not to court Ling but he decided not to get selfish and instead, he said

"Simon, it is just may the best man win. If you win her heart, you win. But if I do win her heart, I win. We'll just let her choose whom she love most." Frank then tapped his shoulder and walks away at a far distance, still with his liquor.

Then Frank seated at the dessert land, crying hard alone that he cannot bear himself that Simon might win the fight, towards Ling's heart. He insisted and decided to walk away from Ling and let Simon takes care and love her.

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