Chapter 10: Moving On

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(Kingdom of Chu)

They finally arrived to their next destination, the Kingdom of Chu. They do the usual setup and prepare themselves for the fight.

Ling this time did not anymore wear her black suit, instead, she wear the brown blouse with camouflage pants which she wore the last time they fight. They bring along the weapons and Frank leads them towards the Kingdom of Chu.

This time, Frank leads his troup while Simon replaced him in his position together with Ling.

Frank then go first to the entrance of the Kingdom and have killed the two guards. Then he opened the door and have his troops entered, together with Simon and Ling. The soldiers get alarmed and commence the fight. Simon and Ling headed towards inside the kingdom to look for the king and queen, while Frank fights with the troop fights the soldiers.

Simon and Ling cannot find the king and queen inside their bedroom. They instead went out and go to the kingdom hall where they saw the king makes a  command to his team while the queen is there beside the king.

They waited until the team went out.

Ling and Simon run towards the back to secretly thrush them with a knife, when king noticed some footsteps running. He looks for the destination of those steps, then he saw the boots of Ling when Ling hides herself at the back wall.

The King approached Ling to do the fight when Simon approached the King with his sword to instead do the fight towards him.

Ling then runs away and commence the fight towards the queen.

They make a fight sword scene --- Ling with the queen while Simon with the King.

Ling did her usual stunts --- kicking, with a sword, until she defeated the queen as she thrust it with a sword along her stomach.

Then she headed towards the king, and do the fight together with Simon. Until the soldiers come and they were cornered at the center in a circle position. Ling and Simon have their back-to-back position. Then Ling whispered to Simon to hold her feet and spin her around as she will do the fight with her two swords in a circular stunt. Simon is hesitant if Ling could make it, but still he obeyed. Simon then spin her as the soldiers gets defeated until they are already few. Then Simon stopped and Ling do the stunts to fight with them. While fighting, Simon looks for the king who suddenly disappeared. This time, the king plans to escape when Frank saw him along the hallway. Frank then fights with the king.

Inside the hall, Simon and Ling went out to look for the king when they saw Frank and king fighting.

Ling then asked Simon if she could climb from the back of Simon and do the jump to easiy go towards the direction of Frank and the king.

Then Ling climbs, jumps, then do the stunts heading towards the king. King got her attention and headed his fight towards Ling. Frank then insisted to Ling that she should go with Frank and leave him alone. Simon then approached both them, they ended up the three of them fighting with the king.

The king wishes to kills Ling first, the reason his attention fall to Ling. Frank then follows the king to instead fight him instead of Ling. Then Frank pushes her away, left herself thrown towards the wall. Simon then follows her. Then they leave Frank fight with the king alone.

They watched Frank as he fights with the king. Ling realizes that Frank gets better fighting alone and leaves herself get impressed how he handles his stunts despite the king is too strong to get defeated. Until Simon went out from beside her and also do the fight with the king. They find themselves hard to defeat the king. But when she approaches the king, Frank still pushes her away. Until few soldiers coming towards Frank when she hinders them and do the fight with her instead.

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