Chapter 3: The First Expedition

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Frank gets some minutes of hiatus, preparing for an instruction to Ling. This time, they are heading towards beginning their mission, that is to battle the 7 kingdoms of China. He reckoned how he could explain to Ling the purpose and who gives him the instruction to do so, and who he came from, since obviously he and his men are foreigners.

On the other hand, Ling is outside the station, standing, looking at the horizon of trees and grasses and mountains around them, thinking of nothing but emptying her mind from those worries of what life lies ahead. She does not intend to escape as she promised to her family everything will be alright when she gets back home.

Frank breaks her silence as he approached her, reached her at an arm's length distance, getting conscious about the rules they agreed he should not annoy and touch her.

"Ling, from now on, I will treat you as my subordinate while I am your boss. I have orders for you. This is about our mission."

"What is the mission?"

"That is to battle the 7 kingdoms of China and to kill the King."

"Would you mind me asking why we need to conquer them?"

"Because that is the order from my superior."

"Who is your superior and why you all foreigners are brought here to China?"

"There are many things you need to learn later on. But this time, let's just follow rules. Remember, your community, your family, I will kill them if you disobey." He summoned her.

Feeling calm, she responded "Ok. As agreed. No worries. I will mean what I said. I can conquer them all."

"Ok. Very good!"

Then Frank invited her to follow him inside.

Then they discussed about the 7 kingdoms - Wu, Wuyue, Min, Han, Chu, Jingnan and Tang, and they planned how to conquer them one by one. Then they decided to go to the first kingdom "Wu."

Then they are now preparing weapons as they will descend to the northern part of China. Frank handed her the sword and the 2 small knife attached beside her waist.

Then their expedition begins. They instead ride horses instead of motors. Ling, though knows how to ride horse but Frank insisted to just ride next to him at the horse.

It would take them 2 days to go to the north. During their descend, the environment is filled with silence as they travelled along the dessert. Though Ling felt asleep, she still manages not to do lying at Frank's back. Frank noticed it and he let Ling lying at his back holding him.

All of them gets tired as the nightime starts to arise.

His men assisted Frank to get Ling who still falls asleep. Better that they bring with them the blankets. He then let Ling lying on the blanket at the dessert land while they have their supper. Despite of noisy they are, Ling still falls asleep.

Frank then gets drunk. Hardly to walk, he is lying at the blanket beside Ling. He then stare at her face. His eagerness to kiss her strikes in but he manages to control himself.

He then softly rub Ling's forehead, a sweet gesture he made as he falls in love with her innocent face, seemingly angel sleeping beside him.

While staring at her face again, he slowly approach his lips towards her face, then leaving his lips almost touch her lips. This time, his heart is beating faster and his emotions seem uncontrollable. He realizes it is his first time to feel this kind of intense feeling towards a girl. He usually treated girls as slut, only aiming for sex. But at this moment, he seems like a teenage boy falling in love for the first time. He have girls before, but only temporarily, without any serious relationships.

His emotion matches with the coldness of the night, as his body gets hotter but he still manages to control himself. Until he conquered his conscience, then he lean himself forward, kissing her lips.

She doesn't move or even reacted. She is still in her deep sleep, getting tired for what happened to her throughout the day.

He feels more in love with her lips so soft, her scent so fragrant like a baby. He started to get aroused, wanting to sex her, but he realize they still have a mission to do, as ordered by his boss.

He was shocked when she moved, afraid that she might wake up seeing him leaning towards her.

But thankfully she did not wake up. She just turn her body towards opposite direction, against him.

Then to his drunkenness, he cannot control his body anymore. He, then go to sleep beside her.

The morning sun rises as Ling wakes up. She gets shocked when she found out Frank sleeps beside her.

"You b*tch! What have you done to me last night?" She then grab Frank's shirt along the chest, which makes him awake.

"No! No! I did nothing towards you. I just let you sleep there and me, after being drunk, accidentally slept beside you. I never touch you!"

His men laughing at them, with facial expression in their faces that he kissed her.

"Are you sure?" Facing his men, she then asked "Does he tell me the truth he did not touch me?"

One of his men answered while laughing "Yes! He did not touch you!" Then another man whispered "he only kissed you."

Ling overheard something whispering but is not sure the exact words she heard. She gets annoyed then approach that man "What did you said?"

"No Ling, no. I said nothing."

Then Frank makes a sarcastically agreeing gesture, lifting up his shoulders with palms in upward position.

"Ling, you're just making an illusion of me touching you, hahaha." Frank said, laughing.

"You b*tch! Grrrhhhh!" Then she walked out.

Then they each breakfast while she is afar looking at the dessert.

"Ling! You need to eat for you to get some strength to fight the battle later."

Ling then remember she did not take supper, gets hungry, then joins with them.

"Are we getting near?" She asked Frank.

"Tonight we will arrive at the south." Frank answered her politely, making a kiss-cutie gesture.

Ling then shake her head, disagreeing his gesture.

"Ok." Then she went out and standing afar.

Then they resume to travel throughout the day till they arrive at their first destination.

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