18. Certainty

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Rey had a dream. There was nothing around her. She was flouting in clouds and she heard her own voice: "Something inside me has always been there, but now it's awake, and I'm afraid. I don't know what it is or what to do with it, and I need help." It reminded her that once she had been confused where she stood. She stool in Light now but all of the confusion about Force and Jedi wasn't eradicated.

There was swirling sound and Rey was falling, but she didn't crash, she landed gracefully on both of her feet.

Everything around was flush green, there were birds and animals, the jungle were full of life. There were sounds in the distance. Rey smiled truthfully and walked further in the jungle, splitting bushes and vines in front of her. She stepped in small clearing. The sky darkened and the night came.

In the darkness there were animals roaring and she saw meteorite shower over her head. The night here was as magical as day.

The light started to change again, the dawn was breaking and the jungle disappeared. Rey stood in the twilight of nothingness and breathed deep. There was a feeling, a smell, a taste.. there were colours in the twilight, that she knew came from Force.

Rey heard Finns voice in the darkness: "You'll see him in your nightmares, you'll see him in your dreams." Rey smiled. He definitely meant Ben. She already saw him in most of her dreams.

Rey waited for the light to come back, but it didn't. She stood in the colourless twilight, still feeling the colours but not seeing. Force surrounded her.

Blue and red flashed next to her. There was no sound to hear, but she could almost breathe in the lightsabers clashing.

The sounds, the colours, the taste stopped. It waited. And in a moment darkness and light separated and man came out of it.

Luke stood in front of Rey. He looked older that last time they had met. She hadn't really thought about it but now she saw it.

Her Master Luke Skywalker. The one man she had betrayed for Ben.

-"We met a different people. He- prince of darkness, I- girl of nothing. But together we became so much more." Rey told Luke. She tried to apologize in her own way. In a way were she told him the truth- that she wasn't sorry for bringing Ben back, not even slightest. But she was sorry to have shut Luke out of this. "I know I won't ever be the same. And I know, I won't ever be complete without him.
Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same."

-"I know, Rey. I felt it slightly already on Ahch-To when I saw you touch hands across the galaxy."

There was calm breeze in the trees that were around them again. The birds sang, the water flew.

-"I feel different now, Master Luke."

-"When you come out the storm,
you wont be the same person as you were before.
That is what the storm is all about.
Don't be afraid." Luke smiled.

-"Thank you, Master." Rey whispered.

The light and darkness flashed in front of Rey and her Master disappeared between them.

Rey felt that everything was taking its place. There was feeling of destiny walking beside her. And she was certain her own fate was moving in the path she needed to take.

Rey was relieved that her Master didn't condemned her for her journey, for her fight. She had been feeling unease about this journey for too long. But that unease left just now. The red and blue flashed again in the distance.

Rey woke up gradually, slowly. The sun was shining through bushes and she got up from handmade bed she had made the night before.

Yesterday she had walked as far as she could and found good place to stay for the night. In the morning light she saw that the town she was heading to was already seen over the horizon and there was only a kilometre or so to make on foot. She cleaned herself as well as she could, she was quite dirty after hiking around the temples caves and sleeping on the ground, and headed to the town.

The town itself looked lively. Rey spotted old ship port but it looked like it had slept for years. Rey wondered if she and Finn in Falcon weren't only ones in foreseeable past that had come to visit this place in a ship.

"There has to be someone leaving this planet. I have to get going.." Rey felt something shifting in Force. There definitely was someone who could help her, she just had to find him.

She walked the town from one end to other, talked to many of the locals, but nobody really had seen anyone come here by ship in years now. The place was deserted.

The sun shone brightly in the sky and Rey still wandered the town. She had memorised almost every ally, seen every kid playing in the mud and wondered how people really didn't care about anything else than survival. No one have even thought to ask where she had come from.

Something was different, there was someone new in town, well.. besides her. Rey tracked her steps back to the ship port, where most of the ships that were left (three! Three carcasses!) were stripped for parts. Nothing seemed to have changed, but Rey felt something in the Force...

-"Water! Please!! Water.." there was man begging for drink to some old lady two houses down the street. Rey got curious and walked to meet him.

It was interesting sight. The man in his early forties drank the bottle, that he just got from the old lady. He was very well dressed - definitely not from this town, leather shoes that had been polished maybe some days ago, couldn't quite tell from the layer of dust on them. The clothes the same- straight dark blue pants and dark blue jacket over grey buttoned shirt, that were all dirty. He didn't have any weapons, at least none that Rey could see in first sight.

When man had drank the water and thanked the lady, Rey approached him.

-"Hi! Are you in trouble? Do you need help?" Rey was curious.

-"Good day, kind lady! And I'm indeed in trouble. I am Mark."

-"I'm Rey!"

-"It is my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Rey!" The man bowed slightly. "You wouldn't know a place here, that sells ship parts?!" Mark answered and Rey thought that the man was too formal. He sounded maybe aristocratic.. Rey haven't really met anyone who talked quite like him. Leia was closest person to royals, that Rey knew, but even she didn't talked in such a wierd way.

-"There is a port just over there, but it's really old. Locals are telling me that there haven't been ships in years now. There are only few speeders owned by some locals. I have to get out of here myself, but there are no ships in working order around."

-"Oh, my.. That really is most disturbing news.
You see, Madame Rey, my ship broke down few miles to east from here and I am in desperate need to fix it. My daughter is ill and we are in a rush to get back home.. but this unfortunate event with the engines of my ship left us stranded in the meadows.." Man sounded very sad.

-"Engines of your ship? Tell me what exactly happened and maybe we can help each other.." Rey smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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