Chapter 3

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"You know I hate him so why would you decide that it was okay to get all buddy buddy now, huh? What's wrong with you Grimm?" Puck asked all of these things at the top of his voice drawing in the whole family while I opened the door and apologized to Peter.

"THE ONLY PERSON YOU SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING TO IS ME!" Puck yelled shoving Peter back out the door and slamming it. "GO HOME IMPOSTER! I'm the boy who never grew up. Unless you've been alive for over 4,000 YEARS!"

I tried to open the door but Puck pushed me away from it. "Hey!" I shouted glaring at him. "He is my friend! What gives you the right to throw him around and me for that matter? Huh? Who do you think you are?!"

    Puck lets out a loud guffaw. "I'm the king of Faerie!"

    I scoff, then start laughing, and then regain my indignant rage. "You aren't the king of me." I stated bluntly, shouldering past him and into the hall.

"He's gone." I whispered angrily.

"Good." I heard Puck mutter. I turned and punched him in the stomach for the second time that day.

"Sabrina!" Several people in the room yell.

   "What?" I snap at them. They all take a small step back except for Daphne who comes forward.

"Puck that was so not Puck-tastic. In fact that was so bad I may need to rename my word. Opposite of gravy. Totally un-punk-rock. You to Sabrina. You shouldn't have hit him. So why don't you both apologize and-" We both cut her off with a simultaneous screaming of the word no then stomped off in opposite directions.

    About an hour later after texting Peter my apologies I was about to invite him over when a light taping began to commence upon my window. I peaked through the curtains and saw Puck hovering there.

    I flung them open wide, gave him a nasty look, made a show of locking the thing, and then shoved the drapes back together.

    I heard the muffled sound of Puck's voice and sighed stepping closer to hear better. "If you don't open this right now I'm gonna break the flimsy piece of glass."

    I moved the curtains aside and barely cracked the window. "I'd like to talk to you piggy." Puck said gruffly holding out his hand. I opened the window a little more.

"I can hear you bug brain perfectly fine from here." I responded stiffly. He threw the window open the rest of the way and grabbed the collar of my shirt tugging me forward.

   I lashed out landing several well placed kicks but he still managed to swoop me up into his arms and out of my room.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked shouting the question directly into his ear. He didn't reply. I tried shifting a few times for a more comfortable position in his arms but he would simply tighten his grip.

Finally on my 6th attempt at moving he spoke. "If you keep moving I'm going to end up dropping you." I sighed.

   Eventually he landed on the top of the Empire State Building. When he didn't put me down immediately I looked up at him with raised brows. He dropped me.

"Ow." I mumbled turning to give him an ugly look. "When you fell off that ugly tree did you have to hit every branch Grimm?" I scowled.

"Peter thinks I hang the moon so does Patrick, your brother, and every other guy in school. Even if I was ugly though, at least I can count."

Now it was Pucks turn to scowl. "Peter Pan, Mustardseed, and random people think you're pretty? Standards are low nowadays."

"Why'd you bring me up here fairy boy?" I growled. Puck was silent for a while- which grated on my nerves- then he turned and grabbed my shoulders.

"Why am I still aging? Why am I older? Why am I still growing? Can't you somehow make it stop? Why can't we get married as 15 year olds that works right? Why do I have to grow up? For you no less."

He shook me slightly looking almost angry.  "Puck... I can't control your aging. I don't know why you're growing at the same rate as me. Oh- and we are never getting married!" I said trying to pull away. Puck sighed.

"I- I... know. I know why I guess. Though you're wrong about the marriage thing. Apparently it's inevitable."

I groaned. "Why do you think that?" Puck's clear green eyes found mind and held them.

   "Future me confirmed it." He whispered as his lips seemed to inch down closer to mine.

I could feel his heart rate puck up the closer he got with no interruptions from me. Why wasn't I interrupting? I should totally be putting a stop to this!

Still his heart was no where near as fast as mine when his mouth was just a hairbreadth away from my own.

He stayed right there. If I spoke right now our lips would brush. It had been a looooooong time some I'd kissed him. One was involuntary though and the other was... necessary.

I wondered... suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I was either going to have to throw him off of me or kiss him.

WHICH ONE! This should be easy. Throw him. That's not what I did.

I through my arms around his neck and pulled him against me pressing my lips firmly to his in the process. His reaction was immediate like that was all he was waiting for.

Suddenly we weren't just kissing we were making out and my fingers were tangled in his hair. Eventually though, oxygen became something that was desperately needed and I was forced to pull away gasping as I did so.

    Pucks breathing was heavy and his eyes wide as he stared at me.

Real Sisters Grimm quote turned around so that it's Sabrina's.
"I believe the words you're looking for are thank you."
Quote over.
We broke into a bit of breathless laughter and he lightly pressed my stomach with his knuckles.
Real Sisters Grimm quote turned around so that it's Puck's.
"You ever try something like that again you little freak and you're going to need a dentist!"
Quote over.
"Really?" I whispered leaning a little closer to him.
"Heck no." He replied kissing me again. "Feel free to do that whenever your little heart desires- as I'm sure it does often."

I rolled my eyes as I laughed and pecked his cheek. "Take me home 'you little freak'." He grinned and I reached for his hand. He rejected this instead lifting me up into his arms and flying me home.

Hey this is Madeline author of this fanfic involving Michael Buckley's awesome sauce characters who- once again I say as a disclaimer- belong entirely and completely 100% to him. I hope any future readers enjoy my story and comment! Right now- unfortunately☹️- it's just me and I say, "A+ Maddie 5 stars!" But that's just my own completely unbiased opinion.😜

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