Chapter 4

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   When I woke up I felt a strange kind of peace.  Like something that was supposed to happen had finally happened and now I didn't have to worry about it any more.  That was this morning.

   Now I realized there were a million problems with a possible relationship with Puck.  I had this epiphany after his latest prank.

                                .           .            .

   I walked into the living room and tripped over a wire that had been set up in front of the doorway.

   At first I was just surprised like- 'what was that?'- but then my early morning fog wore off and I realized it was a trap.  I tried to step out of the way but didn't quite make out in time.

   Glue poured down onto my head from a bucket that was rigged up by that little wire I had tripped over.  That's wasn't all the little piece of crap did.

   The mischievous fairy then flew down laughing- laughing- and stuck a basketball to the back of my head.  For the first time ever I was too furious to yell.  That's saying something considering all of the things he's pulled on me over the years.

   It was interesting.  Seeing the look on his face when he realized  just how angry I was.  He had the sonar to stop laughing at least.  Even seeing the pure rage blazing in my eyes though he still didn't expect my reaction. 

   I kicked him below the belt and then walked back to my room.

                             .               .                .
   Now I was sitting in my room silently seething.  I wasn't getting over it.  I still hadn't calmed down enough to speak.  This was an extremely new sensation for me.  When I get mad I yell and punch things.  Usually Puck since he is most often the cause of my anger. 

   We kissed last night and now this?!  That single thought kept echoing in my mind.  Not only that but my brain seemed to be on instant replay.  I wasn't getting over this.  Ever.

   When I finally recognized that I regained power over speech.  I got in the shower and finding some glue remover went to work on my hair.  Once the basketball was off I started working the glue with the combination of the remover and my shampoo.

   Puck and I would not be entering into a relationship.  Puck would be lucky if I ever spoke to him again let alone allowed him to touch me.  With those thoughts swimming in my head I pulled on my favorite sweatshirt and a pair of baggy jeans, then proceeded to text Patrick letting him know that I was available today if he wanted to reschedule our date.  He did.

   I would be meeting him the next day for dinner.  Tap tap tap.  I ran over to my window, threw it open, and immediately lashed out.  I landed 3 hits before Puck got wise and flew back out of my reach.

   "What's the matter with you dog face?  You're acting like a nut!"  He shouted and I was pleased to see a red mark forming on his cheek from where I had slapped him.

   My eyes popped and my nostrils flared but still I didn't speak.  Instead I slammed the window shut and closed the curtains.

   I texted Peter asking him to meet me at a nearby diner and stalled out of the house.  Daphne tried to stop me on the way and all what was wrong but I shoved past her and out the door.

   I found myself wishing- not for the first time- that my life was normal.  Why did I have to have- horrible and rage inducing while simultaneously being really cute-  fairy's in my life?  Despite my want for normal I also found that I was longing for a case.

   I needed something to take my mind off things.  When I thought about this it dawned on me that I may have one with Peter.  Neverland was overrun with pirates and that was why he had to leave.  Perhaps I could help him.

   The thought made me cringe.  Me?  Willingly go to a magical island straight out of a fairytale?  Not only that but ask to?  It went against my nature.

   Them again it would get me away from Puck.  Daphne would love it...  Just like that I was decided.  If Peter would take me.  I would go.

   I told him just that when he entered the diner.  "Really?"  Peter Pan asked excitedly.  I nodded my head.

   "Yes!"  He yelled picking me up and spinning me around.  "Thank you so much Sabrina!  I can go home!"  Peter laughed and his joy was so apparent it cemented there decision in my mind.  He needed this.

   "So... what about your lost boys?"  I asked remembering back when they followed him everywhere.

   Peter's smile disappeared.  "A lot of them got picked up by the system.  I kept breaking them out but without a real place to take them they kept getting picked up again.  My boys... they're gone."

   I gasped putting a hand over my mouth.  "We'll... well get them to."  I blurted.  The system was a bad place.  I knew they tried but there just weren't enough good social workers of foster homes in the world.  I remembered my days there.... but it was best I didn't think about that.

   "Great!"  Peter yelled pumping a fist into the air.  "15... I've aged.  I wonder if any of the boys have.  A few were already teenagers.  Neverland won't accept anyone who can be considered an adult." 

   I shook of his worries.  "You're saying they're all in the system?"  He nodded.  "Foster care won't take anyone 18 or over either so you don't have to worry."  Peter grabbed and spun me again. 

   "Thanks... this is the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me.  However..."  I gave him a look.  "What?"

   He bit his lower lip.  "Are you sure it'll be enough?  I'm an amazing fighter- so are you- and Daphne's great with magical stuff.  My boys are cool too don't get me wrong but... is that enough fire power?  Hook has completely taken over and the place is overrun.  My boys and we're attacked so often that- even though I could easily evade them like it was just some game we were playing- they couldn't.  It was to dangerous."

   I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eye.  "We can do this.  I'm certain."  With that it seemed everything was settled.

   Until I told Daphne.  She told me that she refused go- and wouldn't let me go- unless we brought Puck.  "C'mon!  He'll be a big help Sabrina and that way Peter doesn't have to find as much pixie dust and fly so many people at a time.  Puck can help.  With the dust run and with flying people.  He's a good fighter to and let's face it- Puck would love Neverland.  He probably would have already gone it wasn't for his resentment towards Peter Pan."

   "I'm leaving you.  How are you going to stop me huh?  Unless you use magic nothing is going to work.  I am leaving tomorrow after dinner with or workout you but definitely, without him.  Understand?"

   Daphne nodded her consent.  I should have known something was wrong then and there.

Those of you who have read Magic and Other Misdemeanors understand my basketball prank because it's actually Michael Buckley's. I just finally put into action. Others are shaking their head and wondering 'why?' I'm sorry but you didn't think they would get together that quickly did you?😉 Especially since she was on her way to marrying someone else 13 years after the everafter war. That means we have to have a roller coaster relationship. If you enjoy my story please comment! Love you my nonexistent peeps!!!!!!😂☺️

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