Chapter 19

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    "You enjoy your little make-out session?"  Puck growled, dropping me on the deck of Pan's ship.

"What make-out session?" I asked, nonchalantly brushing dust off my jeans.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! The freak you were kissing with the creepy silver eyes!" Puck exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air as he scowled at me.






"I'm sorry, am I irritating you?" Puck asked sarcastically. "Did I, upset you. By... what, exactly?  Was it for saving your life for the bajillionth time?  Let me guess... you wanted to stay there and sail off into the sunset with Captain Slobber sucking your face all the way?"

    "Ew!  Puck, you're taking this way too far!  I was just trying—"




    "BURN IN—"

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa..."  Daphne said, stepping between us.  "Let's not say anything we're gonna regret later."

    "I'm sure I won't regret telling Puck where he can go, Daphne," I said through my teeth— just barely keeping a lid on the rage I was feeling.  "It's long over due."

    "It's long ov— it's long over due!"  Puck yelled.  "You've gotta be frickin' kidding me right now, Grimm!  You have some nerve—"

    "Guys, come on!  I'm sure we can work this—"


    "HEY!"  I screamed.  Suddenly, everyone on deck turned and stared at me.  I glared at them all until they left, eyes downcast. Nosy Idiots. "You don't get to tell my sister to shut up, Puck."

    "Yes," Puck started.  "Yes I can.  I can do whatever I want.  But you, on the other hand, are breaking the rules."

    "What rules?"  I asked incredulously.

    "Number 1: You are not allowed to tell me what to do.  Number 2: You have to do whatever I say.  And— this is the one I shouldn't even HAVE TO SAY!  Number 3: Don't kiss other guys."

    "Oh really?"


    "So... those are the rules?"


    "And I broke them."


    "What are the consequences?"

    "Well... if it happens ever again..."


    "I'll dump you, peasant."

    I snorted.  "Oh!  I'm shaking in my baby seal leather boots."  (IF YOU GOT THE QUOTE, LET ME KNOW ASAP!!!!!!!!).

    "What?"  Puck gave me a funny look— the one he gives me when he doesn't understand something I've said.  Sigh.  The boy needs an education on books, movies, school— you name it, he needs it.

    "How can I take these rules seriously if I've already broken them and you did nothing?"

    "I forgot to mention them before we started dating so I'm giving you a pass— this time."

    I looked at Daphne and rolled my eyes.  My expression said, Is he for real?  Daphne bit her palm to hold back her giggles.    "Look Puck... I don't need your pass, but..."  I walked up to him, pinched his face with one hand, turned his head toward mine, and spoke slowly.  "If you're giving me a freebie on your list, I'll give you one on mine."

    "You don't get a list."  Puck told me with a smirk.


    "Because I said so—"


    "And as I said before in my—"

    "I don't, huh?"

    "List of rules, you have to do whatever I say."

    I couldn't help it, I bursted out laughing.  "You— have got— to be— freaking— kidding me!"  I wheezed between cachinnations. 

    "Are you actually laughing right now?"

    "Really and truly."

    "UGH!  Listen here, Grimm—"

    "No!  You listen to me, Puck!"  I shouted.  "Nobody— including you!  —gets to tell me what to do. I was fighting for my life and you're acting like I committed a crime! This— ugh! I don't want us to—" I took a deep breath. "Puck, I 'm so angry I can't even look at you right now!"  I turned away, taking deep supposedly calming breaths while the tension built in my shoulders and my eye began twitching.  Silence and breathing were apparently unhelpful in dealing with my anger.



"Fine," he whispered. The look in Puck's eyes before he left nearly had me running after him but... but.

There was always a but.

"What are you doing?"  Daphne asked, giving me a little push.  "Go after him!"

    She just doesn't get it.  "No, Daphne.  I'm not going to do that."  I sighed at the disappointment in her eyes.  "I'm sorry.  I know you... think of us like a story.  All of the daring adventures and then the romance everybody fawns over and melt into piles of— what do you call it?  Floof?"  Daphne nodded.  "Well... Puck and I aren't a fairytale.  He's a spoiled prince who's greatest joy is being the thorn on the backside of my life.  And I'm a begrudging detective longing for order in the midst of chaos.  We don't have enough in common to make a relationship work— or the things we do have in common are the things that irritate you to find in other people."

    "But... you're Puckabrina."

    "My life isn't Puckabrina.  I'm Sabrina.  He's Puck.  And... our personalities don't mesh well together— even if our names do."  Though what kind of crap name Puck is, I'll never know.

"You're wrong, Sabrina." Daphne stated plainly. "But by the time you realize it, it'll be too late." She stalked off, leaving me to roll my eyes at her back.

I meandered about the ship for a while, thinking about Puck and I's argument.  Was I wrong to be upset?  I mean... he wasn't.  I knew how he must have felt— but he still overreacted!  I mean 'I don't want to hear it'?  How are we supposed to work through our crap with him acting like a little kid?  Grown ups discuss their problems— and the one's that don't and are in relationships get breakup or get divorced depending on their status.  I WAS GIVEN AN ULTIMATUM!!!!!  Should I have chosen death or permanent imprisonment that could leave to— I shuddered.  Nope, not going there.  Point being, I was right Puck was wrong, and that's that. 

    I crossed my arms stubbornly and went to discuss battle tactics with Peter. Personal problems aside, we had a pirate infestation and I was just the gal exterminator to deal with it.

Aloha Sister's Grimm fans! (Do we call ourselves something? 'Cause KotLC has Keepers and Harry Potter has Potterheads...) I know it's been a while so I thought I'd throw this sucker out there. Hope you like, vote, and comment! Spoiler: The next update will have some Puck POV :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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