Chapter 10

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   I stared at the tiny magical creatures not sure whether to laugh in amusement or run away screaming.  I went with laugh since they'd barred off our escape route. 

   Wrong decision.  This angered the fairies and as I chuckled, giggled, and guffawed water flew up and formed into axes.  Plants grew out reaching toward me with like spindly wooden fingers.  Animals charged from out of no where pausing to wait for commands from there masters.  Light moved and shifted through magnified glasses creating fire which was contained but fully at the fairies disposal.  Wind whipped against us fiercely until stilling altogether then creating tornadoes that swirled next to the angry fae who had called it forth.  Then of course there were actual guns created by the tinkers pulled on us.

   I didn't stop cachinnating though my humor had turned into hysteria.  Peter stepped forward.  "I'm looking for Tinker Bell.  Has anyone seen her recently?" 

   They simply looked at Pan.  "I demand you answer!  I am Peter Pan!  I've come back to help you all!  The least you can do is allow me time with an old friend."  

   They scoffed and then looked at me.  "I think you've frightened Sabrina a bit don't  pay her any mind."  Peter nudged me and I finally found the will to stop.

   "I'm so sorry.  It's just... well I've faced much larger armies than you and though your magic is impressive as is your home they were powerful as well.  I do not fear you and your small selves just as I do not  fear Pucks pixies.  Though I'm sure you are a greater foe than the pixies I've had bigger fish to fry than you all and managed just fine."

   Now many glared and others simply stared.  Some seemed curious others angry.  But one blonde fairy with cotton on the toes of her shoes flew ahead of the others.  The green clad girl opened her mouth and the the sound of jingling of bells emerged from her lips.  Peter translated to us.

   "Tink said, What is it you acquire Peter Pan and acquaintances?  I, of course, would help to free Neverland from the tyranny of Hook and his band of pirates."  I smiled glad she chose to be gracious. 

   "Pi-"  I started but Peter covered my mouth with his hand.

  "The other fairies don't like you.  It's best for me to speak."  He muttered to me.

  "Pixie dust is what we need so make it happen mini people!"  Puck shouted sauntering forward.

Peter slapped his forehead. I heard the jingling again and pandemonium broke loose. "They said 'attack'!" Pan shouted unnecessarily. I kind of assumed that based off the vines crawling up my legs, wind blowing me off my feet, and birds pecking me as though their lives depended upon my suffering. This is why I dislike things that are abnormal!

"YOU THINK!" I yelled back at Peter. I could feel myself getting angrier until... I don't know. Something just kind of snapped. I screamed at the top of my lungs, yanked the vines roots out of the ground, smacked the crap out of some birds, and rushed the wind fairies. They tried to blow me back but a little adrenaline goes a long way and mine was pumping on overdrive. I swatted the fairies out of the air knocking several of them out and injuring the others.

More vines tried to latch on until I pummeled the plant fairies. Then I got trapped in a water bubble. I tried to swim out but the water simply shifted around to keep me in the center. I hadn't taken a deep breath and my adrenaline rush required me to breathe quickly not stop breathing and conserve oxygen.

I stopped struggling and watched as Puck charged the water fairies. Spots began to invade my vision as I fought the urge to take a breath. I stopped being able to see Puck.  Finally I could no longer take the pressure.  I took in a good hefty long full of water and immediately started choking.  I was going to die.

                                    Pucks POV

   I tried to fight the water bugs but got attacked by fire guided by the light flies.  The tiny enemies were very annoying and apparently capable of inflicting some serious pain. 

   I saw Grimm struggling to escape her watery prison and fail.  Then I watched (while swatting these gnats out of the sky of course) as she stopped fighting in order to conserve oxygen. 

   I saw dog face begin to thrash inside her bubble and new she was running out of time.  I hated these moths!  They were unworthy of the title fairy!  I am a fairy!  Speaking of... I shapeshifter into an elephant and that was when the water beetles were defeated. 

   I rushed over to where my fiancé lied still on the soaked ground.  Her wet cell had collapsed after I knocked those flying cockroaches out of the sky.  She's not breathing!

   What do I do?  Wait... a memory came back to me of a time similar to this one.  Only I was the one in need of air. (Second book time people!!!)

   Sabrina and Daphne told me I was a hero or something along those lines.  It made me angry so I planned to drop them in the river but ran into the barrier and fell in myself.  Grimm and Marshmallow found me face down in the water so piggy kissed me... no. 
According to her it was CPR and she thought I would die if she hadn't tried.

   How do you do it though?  I tried to think it through.  When kissing you end up with a lack of oxygen.  So why does this CPR involve mouth to mouth?  Whatever.  I've got to try something and fast.

   Maybe if I blow instead of suck?  Somehow give her my oxygen?  I remember my chest hurting a little as well... she hit me?  That's probably not right.  Oh well.  Let's do this.

   I mimic the position her hands had been when I had drowned and pressed hard 10 times.  Then I plugged her nose thinking the sore I tried to give her may escape through those holes instead of giving her breath.  Next I placed my mouth to hers and blew. 

   Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Nothing...

Cliff hanger!!! I've never made a cliff hanger before... what do you guys think?  I hope you love, vote, and comment on my story!  Puckabrina for life, death, and forever!  Until next update

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