Chapter 16

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   I walked through the aged wooden door with its gilded edges into a room containing a devilish looking pirate.  Not devilishly handsome.  Just devilish.

He had black hair that hung to his shoulders. A thick mustache and a five o'clock shadow coating. Dark brown eyes with malice hidden within the depths. His scowl was near hateful with its intensity and his unwavering stare sent a shiver down my spine.

However the most noticeable thing about the man before me was the hook that laid in place of his right hand. Light reflected off the sharp silver and I was grateful for the blinding glare it provided. Being incapable of seeing the monstrous man gave me the courage to walk toward him and seated myself in the large wooden chair that rested in front of his desk.

"Well well well. A little lost girl. What brings you here today love?" The captain said his words implying question but his tone made a statement. You know why, I thought angrily.

"Had you not shot me out of the freaking sky I might have thought that your question was genuine but we both know that I'm here because you wanted me here. The real question is why?" I replied angrily.

He grinned which was unnerving to say the least. "I like you. You've got moxie girl. Make a great pirate." I gave him a black look causing him to chuckle.

"I'm going to give you an opportunity Miss...?" I ignored the question. "Miss Dagger. Her name is Bellona Deianira Dagger." Quinn piped up to my ever increasing fury. I turned my fear inducing glare toward him.

"An excellent pirate name. The opportunity I was referring to was you could join my crew." I snorted and redirected my attention back to Hook. He raised a brow.

"You're joking." I sneered. Their expressions did not change. Well. Hooks didn't. Quinn looked worried. "You're not joking? Wow. Okay, what's plan B?"

"Walk the plank." Hook stated without blinking. "Become crocodile chow." Quinn elaborated widening his eyes in warning. My glance toward him was so fleeting it could hardly be called a glance at all. "Crocodile huh? I was thinking Tick Tock was a gator." I commented then sighed at the lack of reaction from Hook.

"Is there a 3rd choice?"

" 'Fraid not."

"Hmmm... well then. I guess I'll have to tell you I think you should burn in-"

"I was hoping she may have a trial period before her ultimate decision captain." Quinn chimed in effectively cutting off my sentence.

Hook narrowed his eyes at Quinn. "That seems reasonable." He decided. "On one condition. She spends her first night here with me. She gets a week before her choice must be made."

"I'd rather d-"

"Actually I was hoping the lady might spend all her nights with me."

"Excuse me but-"

"Don't fret love I am quite gentle."

After that I lost control of speech. It was like someone had just clicked the mute button on me. My mouth moved but not a single word managed to escape through my closed throat.

Hook laughed. "Your wish shall be granted Kai. Enjoy your present. Show her the ropes and... your shared sleeping quarters. I'm afraid we don't have a spare bed Miss Dagger I hope you don't mind." He taunted with a cruel gleam in his eyes.

"Come m'dear." Quinn said grabbing my arm and tugging me out of the captains room. I jerked out of his grasp and raced toward the desk grabbing the skull I'd seen being used as a paperweight and attempting to throw it at Hook's face with as much force as I could manage. Unfortunately Quinn's arms wrapped around my waist and yanked me out of the room before I had the chance.

He dragged me all the way to his bed chambers and dropped me unceremoniously onto his mattress. My voice returned and suddenly I was yelling at Quinn and screaming Pucks name at the top of my lungs until eventually Quinn struck the back of my head and the world faded away as the darkness took over.

Puck's POV

"Sabrina!" I had heard her shout just moments ago but just as quickly as it had come it faded away. "SABRINA!" No answer. I leaned against a tree sinking to the ground in dismay.

"Where could she be?" I muttered more to myself than anyone else. Daphne, Pain, and I had taken to the island searching behind every tree, under every boulder, inside every cave, and even asking every mermaid from each individual lagoon if they had seen her. They remained annoying tight lipped. I was certain they knew something but Puke kept thwarting any real chance I had at gaining information.

"Puck?" Daphne called from a tree stocked well with cake and lollipops. Not something you normally found growing on trees but exactly what I was craving at the moment. Neverland was a strange place.

"I didn't find her." I said before she could ask. The words rang in my ears repeating themselves again, and again, and again... rebounding off the walls of my mind and coming back distorted.

I couldn't save her. I couldn't help her. I couldn't protect her. I left her. She's gone. My fault. My fault. My fault. My fault...

Tears began to pour and I flew quickly away from where I knew Daphne was near. My heart screamed Sabrina's name and each breath I took without her near was agonizing. Where could she be?

I flew into a nearby cave and collapsed preparing myself for the inhuman cries that were about to emerge from my throat when I heard something again.

The ticking of a clock. With the sound came hope. Perhaps a certain crocodile could be of use to me in my search.

Daphne's POV

Puck flew off just as I was about to bring him a slice of cake. I called for him but he didn't answer. "Pan? Did you see where Puck went?" I yelled.

"No! Where'd the hobgoblin go?!"

"I don't know that's the problem and he's not a hobgoblin he's a fairy!"

"There is no difference when it comes to Mr. Goodfellow!"

I ignored the insult to my future brother in law and instead began to look for him. It's high time I became productive instead of blubbering like a baby.

"I will find you Puckabrina!" I shouted searching with renewed vigor.

Hey Puckabrina shippers! Hope you've had a Keefe week! Sorry for the delayed update I've been kinda busy. Please vote, comment, and tag your friends! If they're Puckabrina or like Peter Pan or... whatever, I know (hope really) that they will like this one! Love y'all! Till next update, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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