Chapter 1

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I awoke to the sound of police sirens blaring as they sped down the street after some law breaker. I sighed. Got to love NYC cops. They did their job the best they could... by never ceasing to wake me up at ungodly hours.

I glanced at the clock- 6:30- not bad. I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom for my typical morning routine. This involves brushing teeth, combing hair, etc.

Today I decided to add a bit of makeup as well. Just mascara and lip gloss though. I had never been a real girly girl type. Lace, lipstick, and frills weren't really my style.

Finally I put on a light blue v-neck T and a navy blue sweater avoiding my usual orange sweatshirt. This was hard. It was my favorite after all.

When I stepped back into my bedroom searching for my sneakers I paused staring at the framed picture on my dresser. It was Puck and I. He was grinning mischievously as I watched out of the corner of my eye suspiciously. To distracted to smile. The picture was 9 months old. It was from the last time Puck had visited.

With the visiting thought in mind I slammed the picture face down into the top drawer of my dresser. I didn't really understand why I cared whether or not the arrogant fairy boy showed his ugly mug around here... but I did. I shoved the thought away the same way I had shoved the picture.

"Daphne are you getting ready for school?" I called walking towards the kitchen. We had a 4 bedroom apartment on my insistence. I love my sister but a girl needs her own space and a guest room was needed.

I poured my cereal and yelled for Daphne again. She shuffled into the kitchen and with a sleepy smile said, "Uncle Jake and Puck are coming this Saturday."

"Great." I stated with heavy sarcasm. I had a lunch date. Puck could suck it. "It's been too long since I've seen Uncle Jake." I said with more sincerity this time.

Daphne smiled. "Are you and Puck going to do some smooching?" She asked with a raised brow as she did into her own breakfast.

    I barely managed to sputter out a coherent response. "No! What gave you the impression that I would kiss that moron. He can't even count to 3, he smells like a mixture of toxic waste plant and animal excrements, that's me not even mentioning his horrible personality. If he was any more annoying I would have killed myself by now."

Daphne laughed shaking her head. "Then why'd you give him such a long goodbye hug last time he was here?"

"I didn't, it was a short awkward side hug." I replied turning my back to her so she couldn't see the slight flush coloring my cheeks pink.

    "Lies!" She shouted animatedly

"Whatever." I practically sighed grabbing my backpack. I stopped by our parents room on my way out. "I'm headed to school 'Kay?" They mumbled 'bye honey' in perfect unison before resuming their snoring.

Daphne grabbed her bag and ran over to me. "Can I walk with you today?" I shook my head. "Why not?" She asked grabbing the back of my sweater and tugging lightly.

  "How else are we going to get those lumps out of bed if they don't have to drive you to school?"

    Daphne sighed unhappily. "Moms grumpy before she's had her coffee and dad has to work. Come on, please?" I shook her off opening the front door.

"No. Sorry Daphne but that's super out of my way. I don't have a car. If I walk you I'll be incredibly late to class." I closed the door on her pout.

    Walking to school was one of my favorite parts of the day. It was just so normal! Thanks to school I didn't have detective work until 3:45 everyday.

"Hey Sabrina!" Said a familiar voice. I turned to see Peter Pan running to catch up with me. I grinned and cheered him on as he raced across the street. You often had to just go for it in New York. Otherwise you could never get anywhere.

Puck had turned poor Peter away 3 years ago but I tracked him back down. I would have felt bad for him sailing all around and constantly failing to find what you're looking for. Peter had taken a liking to me when I helped him but I discouraged it most of the time.

    Peter was handsome. He had red hair and bright twinkling green eyes filled with laughter. He still didn't want to grow up but he was now my age. He planned to stop before he reached 18 and encouraged me to do the same. This was one of the reasons for me being un-open to a relationship with him.

    We walked into school together chatting about the events of yesterday. In other words- Wednesday afternoon. I told him of Pucks visit.

    "I hate that guy." Peter said throwing his books into his locker. "I hate school to. I was thinking of heading back to Neverland wanna come with?" I soon my head throwing a disapproving look his way. "What? Can't blame a guy for trying." I laughed.

    "The feelings mutual." I said. "Puck hates you as well. To many people mistook him for you. Guess you're a bit more famous despite 'Midsummer Nights Dream' being a classic shakespearean play." Peter smiled.

"Maybe I should hang around him while he's here then." He said mischievously. I shushed him, sitting just as the bell rang signifying the beginning of class. Peter raised a brow at me.

    "All right." I said referring to his request. Having Peter around Puck probably wouldn't be terrible. The most it would do is hack Puck off so plus signs all around.

Patrick- my lunch date- walked over to me after class. "What's up? Looking forward to this Saturday?" I looked down guiltily.

"Sorry Patty but I might have to cancel. My uncle and Puck just dropped the bomb of their visitation so... I'm going to talk to my parents but they're probably going to make me stay home."

Patrick sighed. "That's too bad... I was really looking forward to it."

    I smiled. "So was I." He walked me to my next class but we parted ways at the door. We had differing schedules.

    After school I stressed about the coming Saturday. I was still worrying over it throughout Friday. Rather disappointingly but not not unexpectedly my parents said me leaving on our guests first day of visiting would be rude. I hated telling Patrick that. He had looked so disappointed.

    It was now midnight. The beginning of Saturday when I finally decided to put it out of my mind. I missed my uncle and... I suppose I missed Puck as well. Instead of dreading their coming I began to look forward to it instead.

    I fell back onto my bed finally relaxed enough to rest.

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Just kidding. Sort of. Maybe. Kind of. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

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