Chapter 15

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Question... when I edit my writing after publishing it does it then show up as a new update in your notifications? Just wondering... if so sorry. I try to make sure there are no mistakes before publication but sometimes I miss things and it drives me crazy if I don't fix them. I also decided to put pictures above every chappie so if that's the way wattpad works then again- sorry.  Also I didn't get any suggestions on the name thing so I racked my brain and found something crazy.(as per usual ;) Anyways... story below!!!

  "Bellona Deianira but you can call me Belle."  Quinn's brows shot so high they disappeared beneath his bangs.  "What an interesting name!  Also semi disturbing... t makes me wonder, what your middle name is?"

   Seriously?  Why's he gotta put me on the spot like this?  Why can't it be easy?  What's going to sound good with that unique blend anyway?  Doesn't he realize how difficult it is to pull Deianira out of your brain?  Bellona was perfect since that's the 'goddess' of war but Deianira?  Meaning man destroyer?  That was hard!

   "I didn't want to tell you what has already been said.  Live with the disappointment of never knowing."  I state bluntly which he quickly begins to cachinnate over.  Oy.

   "Why do you insist upon being insufferable?  You're so beautiful!  You can get away with a lot when you've got a face like yours but this is ridiculous!  Stop pushing it love and tell me your freaking name alright?"  His tone was light with amusement making the underlying threat feel moot but I figured it probably wasn't and what would really be awesome was if I could get the heck out of dodge.

"Or... better idea. You could take me back to my friends and we could part as likely enemies! Doesn't that sound fantastic!" He didn't look impressed with the suggestion.

"Okay how about this? Don't fret your freckle! You are perfectly safe depending on what the captain decides to do with you so that pill that makes you chill? Shove it down your gullet and quit your ruckus. It's pointless to argue! So stop. Trying." This time his voice was hard and I had the odd feeling that concern for me was the reason behind that fact.

I sighed and thought up a lie and thought it up quick. (Grinch anyone?) "Deianira is my middle name. Dagger is my last name."

His eyes widened. "Well I'll be stuffed! You have quite the intimidating name! Bellona Deianira Dagger. War goddess, man destroyer, and a short sword of sorts. I'm gobsmacked! I mean who has a triple threat for a name?"

"Me." I stated a mite bit smugly. "What does Quinn what's his middle name Kai mean?" He gave me a look. I smirked.

"Quinn means intellect and Kai sea. My middle name is none ya so..."

"Come on! I told you mine!"

"If your friend jumped off a bridge would you?"

"No but fair is fair and I told you mine therefore-"

"Therefore nothing. Life isn't fair and never has been. Besides if I ate doo doo would you?"

"No but-"

"But! But! But! But I said NO!"


"You're bloody agro aren't you?"

"If that means you recognize that I don't make idle threats then yes."

"That's not what it means but it does answer my question. Alright since you're my cobber we'll give honesty and fairness a burl."

"I don't know what any of that means! Speak English!"

He sighed. "I said you're very aggressive aren't you? Then since you're my friend well give honestly and fairness a try." I looked at him dubiously.

"Why didn't you say that the first time?"

"I did you just don't speak Aussie. Anyways my middle name is... Electrum. It's a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver with trace amounts of copper and other metals. Many simply call it white gold when formed into jewelry. My parents thought of it because of my eyes." He seemed so embarrassed that I actually managed to feel bad about pushing the sea raider.

"I think that's..." I tried to think of the different Australian movies and tv series I've seen to find the right word. "Your name is ace."

He grinned. "Bonza! Glad you think so mate." I allowed him a wry smile but couldn't offer more.

"So... is it time to meet the captain?"

   He nodded. "It is that. Prepare to meet the- well likely notorious to you but remarkable to other pirates- acclaimed Captain Hook!"

Standing before the door with shaky knees I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and knocked, then patiently awaited what was sure to be my doom.

Daphne's POV

Sabrina was gone. Puck was freaking out. Life- for once- didn't feel gravy.

What could have happened to her? Is she safe? Did she drown? Is my sister dead? I tried to stop the tears from pouring but the flow was constant. My eyes thirst to cry was unquenchable and I simply couldn't control them. I knew I needed to pull myself together. For myself. For Puck.

For Sabrina.

Despite my desperate desire to be helpful I resigned myself to a night of sobbing and misery before I would be capable of being productive.

Pucks POV

Marshmallow is a mess. She's gone completely off her nut! Just when you think she's about to quit her blubbering a new bout comes on her. I'd like to be sensitive but I am not feeling that. And I don't really want to be sensitive either that was a lie. Not that it was really okay to feel that way right now which was the reason for the lie.

I wanted to go back to normal. I could be insensitive and so could Sabrina and on the rare occasion that Marshmallow got upset about that Sabrina would be nice to her for a little while and I would still act however I wanted.

I wanted to be 11 again. My life was so uncomplicated before I ever met Sabrina. I wanted to go back to those days.

No. That's another lie. I didn't want a life with no Sabrina. I can't keep away from her really. She's like a drug in that way. I can only go so long before I need my fix. I'm making it worse by instead of enjoying the fragrance of my drug (seeing Sabrina) I'm eating it to (kissing her now as well) naturally this abrupt separation would be difficult. I'm going through a withdrawal of sorts.

And it was driving me up. The freaking. Wall.

I think it's time to yell at Peter and Evanna a bit more then search aimlessly for my fix. After that they'll say I shouldn't do that because Neverland is t safe.

I'm not worried about the perils of Neverland. I'm the most dangerous thing here! Besides I already know how I'll die. And it's the way I would want it to be.

When my time comes it'll be an OD.

Hi!!!! I'm back! I hope everyone still enjoys the story! If you want I can amp things up a bit in the next chappie. This one may move a bit slow. I got some kind of dark cheesiness going on at the end in case you noticed. Hope you enjoyed that! Please vote, comment, and tag your friends to read if you love. Love y'all my few readers! Until next update, BYE!!!!!

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