Chapter 18

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     I crinkled my nose in disgust at the barrage of noxious smells invading my senses upon first stepping foot outside Quinn's bedroom.  What is that smell?

    I looked up and saw a boy with shaggy blonde hair and dazzling green eyes, alternating between throwing balloons and grenades full of the things that was causing my stomach such severe nausea that I actually began to worry that I might throw up. 

    That's my Puck.

    "Hey!"  I yelled, waving my arms back and forth in the air.  "Puck!  It's-"  Pausing, I noticed a certain pirate with bronze skin and zirconium hair. "Me!" I finished lamely. "Help!"

Much to my dismay, Puck did not hear my cries- Quinn did though. That stupid silver eyed jerk-y pirate.

"How did you get loose?" He ran at me, and I ducked under his arms, kicking him in the shins as I did so. "Ow!"

"Ha! That's what you get sucker!"

"I was trying to help you!"

"Yeah right! The bump on the back of my head and I thank you!" I said sarcastically, letting him get close and then kneeing him in the stomach.

"Deianira! I don't want to hurt you but don't think for a second that I won't!" Quinn pulled out his sword.

"I figured that when you knocked me out you bezonian pirate." I raised my fists and shifted into my karate stance, then I made a gesture with my hand that simply stated, 'come at me bro'. So he did.

Avoiding the path of his bilbos arch's and still putting in some blows of my own was terribly difficult and I was tiring quickly. I had to get that danged blade out of his hands! With a swift kick to the... below the belt region, I jumped grabbing his epee with my feet and twisting it out of his grasp.  After this move I thrust the scimitar into the air, catching it easily as I had countless a saber in fencing class. Though, perhaps there was a tad more at stake with this  particular ensnarement.

Pointing the rapier at him I smirked. He glared and then plucking a dagger from his belt we began our fight anew. This time he provided no mercy and though I was good, Quinn Kai was a master.

Quinn Kai was a pirate.

For every up I had on him he could equal. I was faster, he had longer lasting stamina. I was more flexible, he was stronger. I had the larger weapon, he had more experience. Unfortunately the experience won out and before I knew what was happening I was on the ground with an annoyingly handsome prick sitting on top of me.

"Get off of me," I growled, wriggling for all I was worth for release.

"Oh I'll get off you... for a price."

I cocked my head to the side, ceasing my vigorous movements in order to stare at him. "And what might that be? Do you want me to spit on you? Because I would do that with pleasure."

Quinn chuckled and leaned closer. "No this is something that we would both enjoy. I promise." I freed my hand and made a gesture indicating that he should 'go on'. He trapped it again. "All I want is a kiss."

I blinked rapidly, then burst in avid laughter in which I was uncertain I would ever be capable of breaking free of. Unless it was to throw up of course.

"I take that as a no?" He snickered with me for a moment before slapping me- effectively snapping me out of my moment of hilarity. "Answer now or I'll have to kill you instead. It would be a shame to lose such a young and pretty face. Hook would murder me for letting you go unless I had good reason and from the way he looked at you, I'd say that this would be a fair enough one to sway him over to my side."

I knew that captain was a perv.

"Or... you could claim that you got your sugar and let me go anyway." When he shook his head I scowled. "Why not?"

"After all this trouble, you kicking me in places a man ought not be kicked? I deserve a little something in return."

"Alrighty then. Lay it on me Kai." When he moved to do so I spat at his face.

"Gah! That's disgusting Belle! Don't make me hurt you. I want to let you go but if you keep-"

"Fine!" As he was already close it was easy for me to lift my head and meet his surprised lips as well as escape them before he had a chance to react. "Now back off you... pilgarlic!"

"But I didn't-"

"That wasn't the deal." For the second time since I had awakened I smirked and for the second time he was frustrated by my facial expression.

"You're a little at my mercy here, Dagger." He reminded me, placing pressure on my wrist in such a way that I squeaked involuntarily while trying to hold back a scream.

"Okay, okay! But I swear that should you get funny on me you will regret it."

"Oh, I'm scared." Quinn sarcastically stated. "Pucker up, buttercup."

So I did.

Puck's POV

Oh. My. God. What was I seeing?

Dropping down from the sky, having easily taken care of the pirates that were on board the ship, I found some random guy with a dagger pressed to Sabrina's throat and his lips to hers. What was truly insane was the lack of fight shown by my Grimm, who laid prone, all except her mouth which kissed her captor back!

Deciding that, despite my fury, to save her from this... this... maker outer. I threw a grenade, hitting him square in the face- which, of course, also meant hitting piggy in the face- and sending him spitting out melted black liquorish and cat urine. Unfortunately, Grimm didn't get any of my beautiful- albeit disgusting- concoction. However it did coat her head nicely though I hardly found that to be payment for her cheating and was still very angry.

Kicking the guy where it hurts I then scooped Grimm up, flying away from the smelly scene, and the jerk who kissed my girlfriend.

Hey guys! Sorry for the major delay in updating but- and I'm not sure if I've told y'all this already- I'm working on a project that is taking up most of my writing time and- though I will still update- they may come a bit haltingly. Anyways, I love y'all! Live Keefe lives, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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