Chapter 6

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Later after my tears had dried I went out to meet Peter for the lost boys break out. Who knows? Maybe we'll take a few more kids to. I wasn't sure though... that would require telling them about magic. A place where you would never grow up.

I imagine that's a thought that most people find appealing but I did not. What about school? What about a job? What about having children? Stuck as a kid forever. I'd rather have fond memories of childhood then never experience the things that require you to be an adult. Besides... I kind of wanted to see what I would look like years from now.  Would I age gracefully or be a raisin?  Time reveals all secrets eventually...

   Isn't that interesting?  The way that over some period of time- whether short or long- at some point you learn if a friend kissed your boyfriend without telling you.  Or if your mother cheated on your father years ago before you were even born.  Or if your sister snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to party.  Secrets just have a way of coming out.  All you have to do is give them time.  It made me wonder if Everafters would become known as real worldwide again or if reading about there lives in a story was enough of a revelation to keep them hidden forever.  I thought not.  But only time would tell I supposed.  Hopefully if it does happen I'll be dead by then.

   Peter finally arrived and I scowled.  "You're late."  I hissed in frustration.

  "No... you're early."

  I glared.  "Fine, I'm late."

  I smirked.  "You think?"  He nodded seriously causing my smirk to expand into a grin.

   "Are you ready?"  He asked and as I turned toward him to tell him yes and had to stifle a gasp.  The boy looked like... Peter Pan.

   He had on a little green hat with a red feather sticking out of it.  A green vest that was sewn together by impossibly large leaves.  He even wore tights!  His green eyes twinkled mischievously as he pulled out a real sword.  Not wooden like Pucks.  Steel.  Peter showed it to me and then placed off back in its holster which was fastened to his brown belt which seemed to have been magically woven from tree bark.  This has a buckle that appeared to be made from real gold!

"What the... it's been so long since I saw you as Peter Pan verses just Peter." He laughed running a hand over his vest.

"There has never been a 'just Peter' Sabrina. I've always been Peter Pan. Neverland is in my heart and always on my mind. It's my home and home likes Peter Pan and my dream to never grow up. Ever notice how I'm the boy who never grew up. All of my boys eventually want to grow up. That's one of the reasons I'm able to take so many so regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of my boys wanted to stay. I understand you not wanting to stay young forever in Neverland with me but... I wish that I could find someone who would."

I looked over at him apologetically. "In time... you will." I could tell he didn't believe that even before he said so.

"I've been waiting a very long time Sabrina. You have no idea how old I really am. If I haven't found someone by now... I doubt I ever will. It's okay though. I've never been lonely it's just sometimes difficult forming friendships with people who you know are going to ditch you eventually."

   I laughed before realizing that probably wasn't the appropriate response. "Peter... that's life. I met you and became friends with you knowing full well I wouldn't get to keep you. I really like Patrick but will he be with me forever? No. Even if we got married he would eventually pass on and I'd be alone. I can't promise that I'll be with someone until they die either because you never know what may happen. Losing people... is part of life. Part of growing up. I know your still just a boy Peter but in many ways you're already a man."
His face grew red with anger . "Never. Say that. Never. I understand what you're saying Sabrina but I will always be a boy. In every way." I sighed at that.

"Peter that just isn't how life works. You've been around for a very long while. Your mind had to grow up to a certain degree so you can properly deal with life."

He huffed and shifted away from me. I sighed again. "I'm not trying to-"

"Is it time to go yet?" He interrupted moving a little closer to the orphanage.

"Never mind. You're still just a child. At least in temperament."

   He smiled. "Thank you."

"Not a compliment." I muttered unbeknownst to him. "Yes its time to go." I said in answer to his earlier question. He jumped up happily breaking into- coincidently- the same building Daphne and I had stayed in. I really hope Ms. Smirt managed to get herself fired.

I threw a smoke bomb inside causing the fire alarm to go off masking the sound we made and ourselves in the process. Peter stopped in and out with boots so quickly you could hardly watch. He was simply a blur. I knew he was taking them back to the ship he'd sailed here on.

I ran with several boys who I was told previously were one of his lost. As we ran I stumbled across a girl just a year younger than me with this look in her eyes. A lost look.

She was obviously a street kid and somehow I could just tell she was an orphan. Before I knew what I was doing I walked over to her shouting for the boys to go on.

"How would you like to meet Peter Pan?" I asked fully expecting her to scoff and run away.

"I'd love to." She said instead. So I grabbed her hand and ran to catch up with the boys.

   Her eyes were wide with wonder and excitement when we finally came to the docs and she saw Peter's ship there.

   "What is this Sabrina?"  Peter said landing beside me having already gotten all of his boys on board.

  "A girl Peter."  I said rolling my eyes.  She laughed.  A light tinkling sound like bells ringing.  Interesting.

  "Around here I'm called Pan for short Sabrina.  Not Peter."

  I snorted.  "So you gonna start calling me Grimm?"  Before Peter could respond a deeper voice called from behind.

   "No he won't!  Only I get to call you that piggy."  I groaned turning to find Puck and a sheepish but unapologetic Daphne.  Unfortunately...

   He wasn't the only unwelcome person at the docks that evening.

Hola my very small amount of readers!  I would just like to say... THANK YOU!!! If you hadn't started reading I would have stopped publishing so... hope you like!  Comment often because I would like that and happily respond to any questions.  No apologies for comments!  I know a lot of people say sorry when they've been commenting a lot because I do that but I REALLY want you to comment so no worries.  Until next publish... BYE!😁

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