Chapter 7

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   "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!"  I yelled at Daphne causing her to cringe away from me and rub her ears.

  "Helping duh."  My glare was fierce enough to cause her to take a step away from me.  That meant something.  Daphne was usually pretty fearless.

   "Geez!  What's the big deal?  Puck is gravy!  You should be happy he's along.  This way you'll have someone to save you if anything goes wrong!"  I stalked toward her menacingly and whispered, "If you knew me at all you would know.  This isn't okay." 

   Daphne huffed and shifted in the direction that I was opposite of.  "Why not?  You love Puck!  You guys are Puckabrina!  You're forever.  Remember the future?"

   I screamed in frustration before shouting at the top of my lungs, "THAT FUTURE WILL NEVER COME TO PASS!  I AM NOT EVEN ON SPEAKING TERMS WITH THAT OBNOXIOUS FAIRY AT THE MOMENT!"  I stomped off a ways before turning and shouting some more,  "I'm never including you in anything like this again!  Your such a blabber mouth!  I asked you before hand not to invite him and you did anyway.  I feel like I can't trust you and that Daphne?  That's the biggest problem.  Not just that I have to deal with that jerk."

I climbed onto the shop ignoring Daphne's calls and plopped down angrily near the wheel. The girl I'd taken from the system had followed and was watching me silently.

"Do you love him?" She asked quietly. I turned towards her wiping away the tears that kept trying pour down.

"Who?" I asked pretending not know to whom she was referring.

"The fairy."

I sniffled. "Oh him? N... yeah. Yes. I do." My lack of denial was surprising to me. I guess I just didn't feel like pretending. Still. This girl was a stranger and I'm not so good about trusting people I've just met. There was something about this girl though... perhaps she just reminded me of a more mature Daphne. Or a more innocent version of myself.

"I think he loves you to." She said. It was a sweet sentiment but hardly believable.

"He just told me he hated me." I found myself saying out loud once again surprising myself.

"People say things they don't mean. It's their actions that define who they truly are. A psychopath could act as if he were the kindest most wonderful person in the whole world but his tendency to murder innocents would say otherwise." I nodded in agreement.

"He definitely hates me then. Puck takes every opportunity to tell me I'm ugly, weak, and stupid. I know those are things he says but... words sometimes cut deeper than knife ever could. His actions are usually pranks used to humiliate me which gives him some sort of sick pleasure. He thinks how angry I get is funny, instead of my anger being a reaction to hurt which... it sometimes is. This happened recently even and he apologized when he realized how badly he had upset me which I appreciated but..."

"He had already hurt you?" She finished for me. I nodded running a hand aggressively over my face.

"What your name anyway?" I asked eliciting a small smile from her.

"I'd prefer not to say."

"Why?" I asked in confusion.
  "Because it's horrible. I'd rather take on a new name in Neverland."

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