Chapter 12

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   I have never been so thirsty in all of my life and yet the thought of water makes me want to throw up.  Why?  That's what happens when you almost drown. Unfortunately- as if almost dying wasn't enough- I had cramps. Bad ones.

I was nauseous as well.  This also explained why emotions kept flipping around so quickly over the past couple days.  My symptoms always start earlier in the week than I have any flow.  Which- of course- sucks toes.  At least it coming on me this way though means I always no when I'm going to be getting it soon.

   Flying with Puck I began to remember the first time I had ever gotten a period...

   I was at Granny's.  Talking in the living room to Daphne with a certain fairy making faces at me from his place on the couch.  I chose to ignore him.  Which of course only annoyed him more.  Mwahahahahaha... when it hit me.  My lower back had been slightly sore for some unknown reason all day and then suddenly- BAM!  Full blown pain. 

    I gasped mid sentence and Daphne gave me a funny look.  I held up a finger so she would give me a minute then laid back in my chair.  The pain faded until it was just annoying verses HAVE TO LAY DOWN RIGHT NOW painful. 

   "What's wrong?"  Daphne asked.  Puck tilted his head to the side a hint of concern seeming to race across his face jump into his eyes and then hide there hoping I wouldn't see.  I saw though and gave him the squirrelly eye. 

   "I'm not sure..."  I said uncertainly and then suddenly darted out of the room as an idea  began to  place in my mind.  Had it really come?  I landed in the bathroom quickly closing the door, locking it, and pulling down my jeans.

   HA!  Blood!  OW!  Hurts!  This was not the awesome experience I thought it would be.  My mom said her back only ever hurt a little bit and her mood hardly changed at all but I felt sick.  Throw up sick and my back really hurt.  Anytime I laid back for a awhile it started to feel better but when I started moving around it was horrible.  It really figured that I was one of those people who got the bad ones.  Daphne's would probably end up being sunshine and rainbows.

   I shoved toilet paper in my pants, pulled them back up and rushed to get a fresh pair of unmentionables.  My current ones were dark red where my blood had seeped into the fabric.

I changed, placed the Kotex pad where it needed to be placed, and ran downstairs to grab color safe Clorox bleach. I poured a little bleach on the dark spots and waited. This time I left the door to the bathroom unlocked though. Big mistake.

"Grimm what are you doing in here?" Puck asked coming in before I could stop him. "What- why- uh... is that blood?" I rolled my eyes.


"Why are you bleeding?"

"It's that time of month."

"Right I didn't realize there was a special day dedicated to putting blood in your- uh- underwear."

I sighed realizing I was going to have to explain. "Puck... women bleed sometimes. Do you know anything about where babies come from?" He shook his head. Dang it.

"Well... I'm not going to get into all of the specifics but this is called a period. Women's bodies build up a nest for a baby inside our tummies but if the egg doesn't get fertilized then it never becomes a baby. So the body then expels blood from the area that the baby would come out of had there been one. It would have come out 9 months later of course and this all happens within a month for most women but that's genetically speaking the process. We get cramps, nausea, headaches, our mood changes a lot... and we bleed which makes that area kind of sore for the first couple of days. Not every women has all of those symptoms and there are more also that I'm not thinking of but those are what I'm currently experiencing."

Puck still looked confused. "But... you aren't a women. Just a girl."

   I huffed at that and then proceeded to scowl at him. "Not anymore."

"So this was your first one?"


"Guys don't get these... periods?"

"Have you ever seen a pregnant man?"


"Then no.  They do not- at any point in their lives- have a period."

"You still look like a girl to me."

"Maybe because women are girls."

"What if you don't want kids?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not get them anymore?"

"Of course you do! It's not a choice we make it's just the way things are! Just like guys voices change, grow facial hair, and they get a lot taller when puberty hits." That comment seemed to irritate him.

"You mean that stupid virus you gave me?"


He stood and stomped closer to me. "Yes. It. Is! And we both know it!" The tips of his ears got red as he said this and my cheeks felt hot. I stepped back.

"Well... whatever! That's still a decision you made not me. Whether it was subconsciously done or not!" Pucks eyes flashed and he stomped out of the bathroom. The last time I saw him for 3 years...

I looked at Puck and wondered why he had chosen to come back now. I remembered when he set me down on the boat and pecked my cheek. Daphne squealed at the sight and bit down on her palm. I rolled my eyes.

Peter guided Evanna down and smiled at the crew. "We've gotten our pixie dust.  Now it's time to set sail!  Everyone fill your watering cans and pour the golden powder along the ship.  We must cover every last inch!  It's time to go home!" 

   The lost boys cheered and grabbed there cans.  Me, Puck, Evanna, Peter, and Daphne were first in line to fill up so naturally the first to pour.  So the sprinkling of the dust commenced.

   Hello my people!  I had a special request for Sabrina to get her period by YayUni4610 so I hope she enjoyed this! I know your thinking 'this has nothing to do with the story whatsoever' but don't worry! I still have a plan in mind on how this will all work out😉 Please, vote, comment, and spread the word! Hope my few viewers loved! This was for you! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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