🏠|Chapter 1|🏠

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Jimin stared at Jeongguk, his eyes showing warmness as the younger smiled, his face kind of dropping but he had to keep it together---for Jimin.

"I'm going to miss you," Jimin said, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk, whom was ready to cry but held it together because of two reasons.

1.) For Jimin

And 2.) His children are watching

Jimin planted a kiss onto Jeongguk's lips and said he loved him and then Jeongguk picked up the now six year old Evan, kissing her cheek- "you're going to be good for mama, right?"

Evan snorted and giggled, "of course papa!" She chimed, although both adults saw through the lie, neither cared. Evan isn't horribly bad or a horrible trouble maker. Jimin can survive her.

"I'm going to miss you papa!" Seo-yeon blared out, jumping into her papas arms as well and didn't even care that Evan death glared her.

Quinn and Rae didn't look at their father, instead they were playing I spy which neither adult understood why they like it, but oh well.

"Guys," Jeongguk called, but his voice fell on depth ears. Well---Quinn had a excuse because she has hearing aids and those still don't help her, but Rae had no excuse.

Jimin cleared his throat and Rae snapped his head up- "yes mama?"

Jimin held out his arms and Rae climbed into them and Jimin handed him to Jeongguk after he set down the two girls who started arguing but no one cared.

Rae giggled when his father peppered his face in kissed and then hugged him, squeezing softly. "Papa! you're going to squish me!" He complained, whining. The elder chuckled and said sorry sarcastically.

"A-ar-are you go-goin-going to b-be ba-back soon?" Jace asked, her mixed colored eyes looking at her fathers. Jeongguk stood up fully and sighed, "I don't know yet baby, but hopefully."

Jace frowned, "w-we-well... d-don't for-forget me." She said in a pleading tone and Jeongguk laughed, pulling her to himself- "I could never. I love you too much." Jace giggled and buried her nose in his shoulder.

"I-I lo-love y-you papa."

Jeongguk smiled, "I love you too, baby."

But sadly his time went by too fast and it was time to go with the other new troops. Jeongguk didn't want to go into the army, but by law he has to for a year to two. Depends on his work status.

"Bye Papa!" The children yelled, except for Quinn. She really didn't care and went back to the plushie her papa bought her a week ago.

"Bye Gukkie!" Jimin yelled, waving. Jeongguk ran backwards as he waved and then left and this would be the longest few years of their lives.

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