🏠|Chapter 11|🏠

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"Hello?" The receptionist said in a questioning tone as she looked up from the phone. Min slammed her hands down on the desk, "where are the newly crash victims unit?"

The receptionist snickered, but shrugged, "ma'am, I can't let you back there-" Min scoffed, "bullcrap. Tell me. Now. Jimin, the guy next to me's daughter was involved and is being taken here right now."

The women swallowed, "please calm down. I can't-" Min pulled out her ID card.

Name: Jung Min-Seok
Age: »19years«
Number: »876-xxx-xxxx«
Professional Work: »Doctor of Busan Hospital«
Profession Name: »Dr. Min«

The receptionist pointed towards the elevator, "floor ten, turn right then left and you'll see the doors that open."

Min nodded and thanked her, grabbing Jimin and rushing off. On their way up, Jimin's phone blared and he answered it- "hello?"

"Park Jimin?"


"We have your daughter, Park Jeon Jace Maria arriving at the hospital in about two minutes. She's on emergency life support and we need you there when we get there because she's drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness and begging you to be there. She will be rushed into surgery."

Jimin's heart dropped but he nodded- "al-alright. I'm already here."

"good. Stay there, floor ten-"

"My friend, Min, is a doctor here and brought me here."

The man on the other side let off a pleased noise, "okay, I know her. I'm medic Frank Boulevard."

Jimin looked at Min and she nodded, "I know him, did a few calls with him." Jimin nodded and finished the conversation and hung up. The man said he already alerted the doctors and nurses in the unit so he'd be let it instantly.

They arrived at the units door and were let in instantly and not even a minute later the medics rushed in with Jace on a bed and Jimin almost couldn't bear the sight.

She had a breathing tub connected to her nose and was tied up against the bed so she couldn't move or else she'd do some serious damage to her body.

Jimin rushed up beside as they jogged down the hall and grabbed her hand, his other hand going to soothe her temple- "m-mama-" she choked out, tears rolling down her face.

Jimin hushed her, "shh baby, I'm here-"

The doctor stopped everyone from moving and looked at Jimin, "you give us consent to-" Jimin cut him off, "just do whatever to save her, please-" the doctor nodded and Jimin kissed Jace's forehead softly and squeezed her hand,

"I love you, baby."

"L-lo-love y-you mama-"

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