🏠|Chapter 21|🏠

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»Warning: girl issues«
»I warned u«

Jimin sighed and walked up and down the hallway, wondering what to wear to Yoongi's party.

Jimin can't just go with a floral pink dress because to him that's too over the top. Plus, he's going to Yoongi's, not to a date or anything.

"Mama," Rae tugged on his mamas shorts and Jimin looked down, "oh- yes baby?" Rae frowned, "Jace is crying-" "WHAT-" Rae nodded and held his arms up and Jimin picked him up quickly.

"Why is Jace crying?" Rae shrugged, his lips pursed, "she says she's bleeding." Jimin blinked but mama mode kicked in and he asked Rae where Jace was and all he did was shrug.

Jimin groaned, "baby, I need you to tell me where Jace is." The parent declared, his voice serious. What if Jace really was hurt?

Rae jumped down and pulled his mama along to the bathroom door and Jimin made a ah sound and knocked on the door gently, "Jace? baby, what's wrong?"

The ten year old sniffled and shrugged even though Jimin couldn't see it- "I-I'm b-blee-bleed-bleeding..." Jimin sighed and tried to open the door but it was locked, "baby, can you unlock the door?"

Without hesitation Jace reached over and unlocked it quickly and went back to the toilet and sat down, tears rolling down her cheeks some more.

Jimin opened the door and peeked his head in, "can I come in?" Jace nodded and held her head in her hands and looked down at the floor and sniffled again. Jimin frowned and came in, but Rae stayed outside the door.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, bending down in front of her. Jace looked up, "I-I'm bl-blee-bleed-bleeding and f-from there." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows but looked over at her abandoned underwear and made a 'O' with his mouth and nodded.

"Oh, baby- that's normal," Jimin said softly, placing a hand on her knee and rubbing soothingly, "it's called a period," her mother declared and then went on to explain it while Jace listened and whimpered quietly.

"It's nothing to panic about. I'll call Tae and ask him to go grab some pads for you sense he works at the store and his shift ends here in a few minutes. I'll be right back baby, alright?" Jace sniffled and nodded, her eyes watching her mama walk out to go grab the phone.

Jimin dialed in Taehyung's number and he picked up-

"Hey Jiminie, what's up?

"Can you do me a huge favor and I'll pay you back?"

Taehyung breathed in on the other line, clearly confused, "Yeah of course. Anything. What is it?"

Jimin took in a deep breath, "Jace needs pads."

"Ooh, yeah of course. I might as well pick some up for Ray. I'll be there at one, I'll make it fast."

The elder smiled warmly, "Thanks Tae. It means a lot."

He could feel the other grin and shrug on the other end, "it's no problem Jim. I'll see you soon, bye! Love you!"

"Love you too"

Jimin hung up and sat the phone back down and walked into the bathroom and went back to Jace who didn't move an inch and Jimin's heart dropped for her but he can't fix anything mother nature does.

"I'm back baby," Jace nodded and didn't move so Jimin went back down and looked up at her- "it doesn't hurt. You may get cramps but a period doesn't hurt." Jace hummed, "I-I k-kn-kno-know..."

"Rae came and told me you were crying but babe, there's no need to cry... it'll be alright." Jimin felt kind of bad. He never really spoke to Jace about periods or her female features because well... he never expected her to get her period at the age of ten.

"M-mama," Jace clicked her tongue, "wh-what d-do-does a p-pe-period d-do?" Jimin sighed and rubbed her knees soothingly, "it means you are growing. Your body is changing and in a good way. You won't change but you will mature more and your body will, too. You are going to grow and fill your body in more."

Jace swallowed and nodded, "o-oh... o-ok-okay..."

Jimin smiled, "it happens every month but if it misses a month come tell me, alright?" Jimin knew she wouldn't ever miss one due to her being pregnant but he's a little on the worry parent side.

Jace smiled and nodded and pretty soon there was a knock on the bathroom door and sense it was open they saw Taehyung right away.

The girl had no issue with Taehyung because he's a mother himself and is like an aunt to Jace. So him being there didn't bother her at all.

"Okay, I brought two packs of pads and some sugar free treats for Jace and another sack is on the kitchen table of treats for the others." Jimin smiled at Taehyung- "thanks Tae, it means a lot."

The younger shrugged and walked in, bending down and setting the bag aside next to them- "it's no issue. I don't mind. And congrats Jace, you're going to be a big girl now," Jace flushed.

"Th-thanks..." Taehyung nodded and looked at his best friend, "well, congratulations. She is now a women." Jimin chuckled and rolled his eyes, grabbing the pads box and opening it and grabbing one.

Taehyung said his goodbyes and left and Jimin explained to Jace how to put them on and such and Jace did as told it was successful.

"Well baby, I'm proud of you. Congratulations," Jimin hugged Jace and kissed her forehead and Jace smiled,

"Th-tha-thank-thanks mama"

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