🏠|Chapter 9|🏠

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Jeongguk pressed a gentle kiss to his daughters forehead and smiled as she giggled, "love you, Jace. Be safe!"

Jace giggled and hugged him, "b-by-bye papa!" She yelled as she ran, waving and disappearing onto the bus.

Jeongguk turned but bumped into the most irritating person on earth---TaeMin. Oh does he want to smash this guys face- "you weren't lying when you said she was tall for a ten year old."

The younger snickered, "yeah. She got my gene. Her mamas the same height but looks shorter and Jace's doctor said she could getup to my exact height by the time she's thirteen or fourteen."

TaeMin nodded, "impressive."



"Wow," Minee stated as she grabbed the phone out of Jace's grasp. The younger scoffed and ripped it back, "a-ask f-fi-first." She scolded, teeth gritted. That's her biggest pet peeve. Whenever people just take stuff from her grasp.

Minee snickered but nodded and sighed, "I see you love your parents." Jace looked up, "y-y-yeah, I d-do. W-why?" Minee shrugged.

Minee isn't jealous or anything, she just never expected Jace to be so happy with her family. Not even the preppiest girl on this bus is the happiest with her parents.

"No reason," Minee replied, leaning back. Jace clicked onto the photo album and started showing Minee pictures upon pictures of her family and her dog, whom she decided to name Bear a few years ago.

"You have horses?" Minee asked, her eyes locking on the phone screen. Jace hummed, "I-I o-on-only h-have a p-p-pony. Peanut i-i-is h-his na-name. T-th-the o-ot-other t-t-two a-are m-my da-dads."

Minee nodded, "I have a horse named Scottie. He's a quarter horse, yours are?" Jace pursed her lips, "p-pinto an-and t-th--thorou-thoroughbred. Peanut is-is a I-Icelandic."

The elder nodded, "ah cool."

Leo-mi looked back, "I have eight horses. All are pintos except one Appaloosa." Jace nodded, "sounds fun."

To be honest, Jace can't ever imaging having that many horses but uh- "m-my au-aunt, Jeon, h-h-has o-ov-over n-ni-ninety h-ho-horses a-an-and six-sixt-sixteen p-po-ponies a-and f-fi-fity o-o-oth-other an-ani-animals."

Leo-mi nodded and went back to her seat partner and eating chips.

There's over thirty kids on this bus and it is packed and the bus driver seems irritated but he's ignoring the students.

"I hate this bus," Minee declared, pulling out her own phone as she began playing games and sharing the cheetoes with Jace that the younger (Jace) brought.


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