🏠|Chapter 29|🏠

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"But Papa-" Jeongguk held up his hand, "no Rae. We are going whether you like it or not. This is important for Evan."

Rae rolled his eyes and scoffed. He shouldn't be forced to go to a ballgame but he is. And he also knows there's no getting past his father in instances like this. His appa is huge on family loyalty.

So, he's stuck going.

But it wasn't all that bad... but it also was. The car ride was filled with irritating music, a small argument between Jimin and Evan because she wanted her mama to grab all of her stuff but Jimin said no and said she was old enough and then she threw that one type of tantrum and they all suffered.

"We are here... finally." Jeongguk declared, unlocking the doors and Jace ran out like a bat out of hell and made a dash towards the gates of the baseball fields and ran up the paved ground and nobody cared to stop her. She knows where she's going so why not let her?

After a difficult fifteen minutes fight, Jimin got Evan into her clothes because while at home, the tantrum also didn't allow Jimin to get clothes on her. So, now he has to in a hurry.

"Evan, can you try to help out eomma-" "no! I don't want to!" Jeongguk rolled his eyes and bent down, hands on his daughters knees, "now listen to me and closely Evan, you are nine years old, act like it. Be nice to your eomma and siblings." He didn't mention himself as she already is.

"Fine.." she rolled her eyes and folded her arms but grabbed her backpack and ran off, missing her brothers face by an inch with the sticking out bat end. But Jeongguk considers that her not paying attention. And it probably was.

Jeongguk grabbed his son and held Rae against his hip as the elder grabbed out Quin, whom was still on the iPad, watching the subtitled cartoon. And without missing a beat, Seo-yeon bursted out of the car and threw her limbs around, 'stretching'

"That was... terrorising." Jeongguk chuckled and ruffled her hair and helped Jimin out a little. Jimin seemed... off today but seemed that he'd forgiven Jeongguk for last night. Well, Jeongguk hopes. Jimin hasn't mentioned it.


"Good job baby!" Jimin chimed, hugging Evan as she came back. Evan shrugged, "I did alright. Could have been better." Her mama frowned but Evan ignored it and turned towards the playground area where Jeongguk was talking with Taehyung while the others played.

No, she's not jealous.

Evan isn't one to be jealous. She is everything but jealous. She hates playgrounds, too. Her last memory of one was falling off the side of a slide and landing the kid below and she didn't feel bad, no. But she did feel kind of mad when his mother sort of chewed her out. But then Jace stepped in and said she had no right to chew Evan out for an accident.

She's not wrong.

But besides that one moment of Jace, too, Evan doesn't favorite the elder. Sure she feels bad for what Jace has gone through and all, but eh, she never pays much mind to her older sister unless she has to.

"Hey! 87, we need you back on the field." The coach yelled and Evan nodded and ran off. Jimin rolled his eyes and smiled, curling up and watching again.

"She yours?" the male snapped his attention to the person next to him---ew---a Karen.


Just with Jimins luck, "oh um, Evan? yeah, she's mine-" "and where is her mother?" Jimin blinked, "mother? I am her mother-" "obviously not. She had to come from somewhere, didn't she?" Jimin pursed his lips, "my ass?"

The women gasped and acted as if Jimin had slapped her- "oh you liar I-" Karen was cutoff as a women, quite furious, tromped over and grabbed her, "PERRY WE ARE HERE FOR TRIVAN AND KIVAN, NOT FOR YOU TO ATTACK STRANGERS!"

Jimin jumped at this other women's tone but didn't say anything. The elder scoffed, "I've seen men like him before. Acting all female, using the wrong bathrooms, pretending to be feminine and dragging poor children into these kind of things-" Jimin had it.

"Okay ma'am, I'm sorry," he put his hand up in a defense of let me speak- "I'm not harming you or your family. I have a husband and I play the role of the mother because I biologically had all of them. I'm not trans, I'm gay, alright? I can be any way I want, too. So kindly screw off."

The women rolled her eyes, "oh? I didn't think y-" "PERRY" the other snapped, her cheeks flaring a angry pink as she chased the women off and came back, apologising profusely. "I'm so sorry sir, my aunts a little... insane up there-"

Jimin shrugged, "it's fine. That would not of been the first time-" "oh dear---that makes it worse---I'm so sorry-" Jimin pursed his lips, shaking his head, "oh no hun, please, it's fine. We can't control how others act, I know this first hand."

The women giggled softly and sighed, "I'm Winter, Winter Ching-" "Winter?" The women blinked, obviously confused. Jimin opened his mouth but a sputter came out- "um... you alright there?" she looked... kind of suspicious but then Jimin blinked and shook his head.

"I've met you." He declared,

Winter quirked up her left eyebrow, "you have?"

Jimin hummed and nodded towards the women---Karen---but formally known as Perry now Jimin guesses- "you... the beach, when my baby girl Jace, was just around three. You chased off Karen." The women giggled, "Karen, what I call her."

The now pink haired male chuckled, "yeah." The women known as Winter and nodded and wrote something down on her own piece of paper (a random note she had lying around in her hoodie pocket) and handed it to Jimin, who took it, confused.

"It's my name and number. I'm the mom to Kivan and Trivan, my twin boys. They seem to get along with who I presume to be your daughter, Evan?" Jimin nodded and then gave her his name and number.

"Well, I'm Winter again haha, nice meeting you?" Jimin nodded but knew she was asking for a name, "Jimin, Jeon Park Jimin."

She nodded and danced off,
Leaving a giggling Jimin.

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