🏠|Chapter 32|🏠

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"You're expecting again?" The women asked, shutter shocked. Jimin giggled, nodding. He's always liked this women---the women Jeongguk can't stand.


Jimin nodded, "yep! I actually can't believe it. I'm so much older then I was when carrying the others and this thing is being rough on me-" "do you know the gender?" Jimin shook his head, "no. I don't know but here in a month we'll know."

The women nodded, "well tell me asap, I would love to know and I have some clothes you can have no matter if it's a boy or girl." Jimin flushed, "oh---thank you! and I for sure will tell you~"

Jimin doesn't want to reject the offer only because he doesn't want to sound rude. Jeongguk reassured him he'll take care of everything for this new baby and Jimin can't say he doesn't believe him because Jeongguk it worth (not physically) 50.9million right now and his entire family is over 600.9million.

So, Jeongguk can cover a lot right now but Jimin also knows it can be taken away in a snap of two fingers and he's trying to just be greatful for what he has and not pity himself for what he doesn't and he's never been a pity person or a person to complain. He takes what he has and is thankful for it.

"So, Brett, how's your work going?" the other shrugged, "I am not quite sure. I'm kind of... flopping in it but for right now I'm fine." Jimin nodded, generally curious. How does one flop a job where all you do is put papers away?

He doesn't know and he doesn't care or think about it longer then needed.

"Your job?" Jimin pursed his lips, "well... I'm still a waiter but I'm now a part time baby sitter for my friends so... it really isn't a job." The curly haired women gasped, "you don't need the money though! your husband-"

Jimin cut her off, "yeah he's rich and all but I need to hold up my end, too. He's told me billions of times I need to stay home and he'll do everything and pay the bills and such but I really can't. I have to hold up my end."

The women swallowed and looked attacked and looked away, arms folded. Jimin shrugged it off and talked with the others.


"What do you mean I can't pull that right away?" Jeongguk looked up and over at his distressed cousin, who seemed both very stressed and highly pissed.

"Hey um---K?" the male snapped his attention towards Jeongguk, "what? I'm a little busy here." Jeongguk snickered, mimicking him. But then cleared his throat, "I'm going home early today. I have to drop Jace off at her friends for a sleepover and then I'm going out with Jimin for a bit-"

K stared at the other blankly, "I really don't care-" Jeongguk grinned and danced off, grabbing his bag and then prancing off.


"Shirt?" "C-check," "underwear?" Jace stared at her father, eyes squinted, "ew. B-b-but y-yes." The father quirked up his eyebrow, "you will be thanking me later." Jace did nod and ignored him from there.

Jace threw an extra pair of socks in her backpack because her and her friend, which is actually Kang's daughter, are sleeping outside but yes, they have a laptop for a movie device and an extension cord from the house to outside to the tent.

"Jae! let's go!" Jeongguk yelled and down ran a scrambling Jace who did her best not to trip but failed a few times. Jeongguk then called out goodbye and dropped the little ones off to his parents and then dropped Jace off and got home quickly.


"Are you ready yet or?" Jimin nodded quickly and pulled down the skirt, "y-yeah---I'm sorry I-" the younger hushed him, "be quiet Jiminie, don't be sorry. I should still be changing too but I was forced to go faster because of Jace."

Jimin blinked, eyebrows knitted as he stared at the other male and Jeongguk gave him a face of 'you-don't-want-to-know' but then explained, "she sat there on the bathroom counter and timed me on my phone while listening to Nirvana."

The elder made a 'O' with his mouth and grabbed Jeongguk's hand, intertwining their fingers together and grinning, rubbing his nose against the younger males and then letting him go completely and dancing off with his coin purse.

Jeongguk chuckled and followed him, grabbing an extra jacket because he knows Jimin and knows he'll get cold.


This isn't a usual couple dinner talk.

"So... I noticed how big Jace got," Jimin declared, but then widened his eyes, "I mean height wise-" "I know haha," Jeongguk chuckled and then leaned back a little, "same though. She weighs a hundred and fourty five and is 5'10. What thirteen year old girl is 5'10 already?"

Jimin giggled and shrugged, arms hugging himself, "a thirteen year old girl who got her fathers tall build-" "yeah but she may be taller then me soon-" "I wouldn't worry too much... actually I would. Her doctor said he suspects she'll be 5'11 soon and be 6ft by the end of ninth or tenth grade."

The younger made a huffing noise, "I don't know how though. She's supposed to be smaller like your height." And then a bread roll smacked Jeongguk's forehead and he laughed, "I apologise."

Jimin snorted but giggled and smiled, placing a hand over Jeongguk's, "well Ggukkie, I think she's pretty happy with her build. I mean, she does have a great father to-" "please don't get sappy with me, I can't cry in the middle of a restaurant."

The elder grinned but then took mercy on the other and grabbed him, Jeongguk quickly paying as Jimin took off with him to whenever they are going next.

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