🏠|Chapter 26|🏠

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"Oh no no no no no. I think the hell not-" "but why!? It's just a little time." Jimin scoffed, shaking his head. "No," he deadpanned, and Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"Come on, it's for Jace-" the elder nodded, "exactly. Jace, not me." Sure, on any other basis he'd do anything for his daughter, but right now, he sure as hell isn't getting on that creature Jeongguk calls Storm.

To Jimin, he really is a storm.

The younger huffed, "okay well, suit yourself." Jimin nodded, "I will. But tell Jace I love her." Jeongguk nodded and mounted the beast, situating himself easily in the saddle as he waited for Jace and her new baby.

Oh yeah-

Jimin was also pissed because Jeongguk bought Jace a bigger horse of her own. A gorgeous Canadian Pacer x Knabstrupper. It's a good sized horse, slightly bigger then Storm and that's big, but it is smaller then Thunder.

The elder gave Jeongguk a two day talking---scolding about how Jace wasn't ready for a big horse and all that. But all Jeongguk did was shrug and say alright and dismiss everything the elder had said.

"I-I'm h-he-here!" Jace called, her horse trotting forward and standing next to her fathers. Jeongguk smiled and hummed, reaching over and patting the new horses thick neck, "she's definitely a good one."

Jace hummed, "I-I c-call h-h-her Nash," her father grinned and nodded, "good name. Her spots are a grey color so that works," Jimin quirked up his eyebrows, "Jace said Nash, not ash."

Jeongguk nodded, "I know. Nash makes me think of grey things." Jace frowned, "I-I ca-can-can't e-even s-s-see g-grey," Jimin sighed, "that's alright Jace. But anyways. You two be home before eight, alright? I will hunt you down if you are not."

The youngest giggled, "y-yeah mama, p-p-promise!"

Jimin waved as Jace headed out first, her father following behind as the horses then galloped towards the back mountain area and Jace was first up it, of course. Storm followed behind the mare and that seemed to really agitate him.

But his owner couldn't figure out why.

But then again, horses are weird creatures.

"I-I th-thin-think w-w-we a-are g-gett-getting u-up t-to the t-top!" Jace clicked her heels against Nash's sides and the horse went faster up the side and jumped over the obstacles in the way and Storm chased after without command. Jeongguk knows what's wrong now.

Storm is jealous.

But oh well, not much Jeongguk can do about that.

"Papa!" Jace chimed, slowing down Nash and Storm just about ran into the other but stopped with only a step to spare. Jeongguk widened his eyes but played it off like nothing happened and he had Storm walk forward and stop next to the mare and his daughter.

"Oh it's nice," Jeongguk claimed, looking out past the valley and past the ranch and saw their house. Jace grinned and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around the horse. Storm snorted and looked away but felt the tug on his reins and moved his head towards the girl who rubbed his thick cheek.

"G-g-good b-b-bo-boy Storm," Jace said softly, smiling. The stallion seemed giddy and neighed but the other didn't do anything and just stood there but then bowed her head and began eating the grass.

Jeongguk ruffled his daughters hair, "good job finding this view Jace," the younger giggled and nodded, "thanks papa," her father smiled.

"It's gorgeous..."

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