🏠|Chapter 23|🏠

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"Come on! You're going to be late for school!"

Jimin groaned when he heard nothing in reply and he ran up the stairs and saw Jace tugging around with Evan because Evan decided to hit her older sister with a backpack and Jace flipped.

"Y-you li-litt-little br-brat-" Jace then grabbed the backpack and threw it as far as possible and Evan kicked Jace in the kneecap and Jimin gasped, glaring at his daughter- "Evan, we do not kick in this house."

"Yes we do! we kick the bullies!" Jace glared at Evan, "ex-exact-exactly! b-but i-i-if th-that w-were t-true th-then y-yo-you'd h-hav-have n-no k-knees left!" Evan rolled her eyes, "w-what w-w-was t-that J-Jace?"

Jace gasped in pure offence and stared at Evan so hard that Jimin thought it'd burn his younger daughter- "Evan, you do not make fun of you sister! apologise right now."

Evan snickered but looked at Jace, "s-so-sorry."

Jimin growled, "that's it. Evan, you are grounded."

Evan's jaw fell open and she glared at her mother- "what!? no! I'm telling daddy-" "you go ahead and do that. He will understand why I grounded you for a month."

"THAT IS TOO LONG-" Jimin gave her the look and Evan stomped off towards her parents' room and found her papa asleep. She shook him and Jeongguk grumbled, looking over his shoulder- "yes Ev?"

Evan snorted, "mama grounded me for a month so come tell her you said I'm ungrounded." Her father blinked, still in his tired gaze- "what now?"

Evan grabbed his hand and dragged him up and out of his room and he was only in boxers but no one cared.

Jimin looked up at Jeongguk and pursed his lips. The younger male sighed, "now why is Evan grounded?" Jimin glared at him and saw the small smirk his daughter gave him- "she's grounded for a month."

Jeongguk blinked, still drop dead tired- "and why? that's so long though. She couldn't of done anything that bad-" "she made fun of Jace's stutter." Jeongguk's eyes flew wide open and he shot his glance down at his younger daughter- "Evan-"

He sounded so disappointed it made Evan both mad and upset. "What? Jace was being a meanie!" Jeongguk sighed and bent down to her height, "yeah but we do not make fun of people. Especially in this household. I will not raise a kid who makes fun of others, alright?"

Evan pouted and whined but knew her father wouldn't break. When he looked like this it meant he means it.

"Fine." Evan looked away but Jeongguk cleared his throat and Evan looked back. Jeongguk looked at her seriously- "now, go apologise. Tell Jace sorry like you mean it."

The white haired girl frowned but nodded and ran up to her sister and apologised with puppy dog eyes and Jace forgave and looked away, going back to her backpack and twiddling with it.

Her father nodded- "good. Now, Evan, get your backpack-" "but it's too heavy. Mama carries it-" Jeongguk looked at her, "no, Evan carries it. Mama already has his hands full."

The little girl stomped her foot- "mama carry!" The male grumbled, "Evan, it is 6:56am and it's too early for this. I need you to grab your backpack and listen to mommy. Be nice to mommy."

Evan looked down and nodded, grabbing her backpack and holding it closely- "fine... sorry papa..." Jeongguk smiled and gripped Evan, pulling her close and kissing her forehead, "there's my good girl. Now you guys should go."

Jimin nodded and said goodbye to everyone of the kids and told Jace to ignore what Evan said-

"She doesn't mean it... Evan is just- she's just-" "d-d-difficult. I-I kn-know." Jeongguk sighed and frowned, "exactly... I promise we are working on it." Jace hummed and smiled, "I-I kn-know."

Her father gave her a bunny smile and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head, "alright my little bunny, run off and go reach the stars." Jace giggled as she gripped her backpack and ran off towards outside to catch up with the other.

She waved- "bye papa! Love you!"

Jeongguk smiled and waved- "bye! Love you too!"

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