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Monday night. The night after all the stress was relieved. Jay had left yesterday. The atmosphere of the house was somewhat different, but it was still loud as usual. Some people were out in the shops or wherever.

It was half nine in the evening. It was dark outside, the cloudy weather only made everything darker. Me, Ivy and the boys, who were now named Stereo Kicks, obviously, were sat in the living room, where we were watching a bunch of old Disney films on the huge telly.

My head was rested on Jake's shoulder and suddenly I heard a camera. I lifted my head, to see James pointing a camera at me and Jake.

"If you put that anywhere Stereo Kicks will become a seven piece." I snapped. I didn't want anything to happen. Also Simon had a rule, where contestants weren't allowed to get into relationships.

"Don't- Jake- and- Leah- look- so- cute-" James said every word he typed. I hopped off the couch and jumped on top of him. We were all laughing, as I leaned on his chest, trying to grab his phone.

"Don't post it!" I squealed. I finally grabbed it off him.

I sat there and deleted the tweet. I also took advantage and tweeted, 'How do I tell a guy I want to intensely make out with him?' with a giggle.

"You guys are in an inappropriate position." Ivy said with a straight face. I realised that I'd been straddling James. Great.

James pushed me off him, and I landed on the floor. I crawled back onto the couch beside Jake. When everyone was focused on the movie again, Jake subtly put his arm around me.

I didn't bother thinking of a prank or anything, I wasn't sure about Ivy, but I was in a good mood and I didn't want it to be ruined by anything.

We finished watching our fourth movie, which was 'The Lion King'. By now it was almost ten. "I'm not bothered to watch anymore movies," I admitted.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the telly switched off. It was pitch black. You couldn't have even seen the outline of anything.

"Okay," I breathed. "Everyone stay calm, just stay calm!" I yelled. I was practically telling only myself to stay calm.

"What's wrong with you?" Charlie asked me and a chuckle came from a few people.

"I'm petrified of the dark." I admitted. I basically grew up being scared of the dark. My parents were very... Superstitious and they always told me these stories and things like that. Looking back now, it seems like such bullshit.

"Come here," Jake whispered. His other arm wrapped around me, as I leaned into him and his arms gripped me tighter. I couldn't see him, but I felt somewhat protected.

"But honestly why hasn't anyone turned on their phone torch?!" I complained. They were all such idiots.

A bright light came on and pointed to the person. It was Ivy, her being probably the most sensible out of us all.

My breathing was shaky.

"Nothing will happen," Jake reassured me.

"They're so cute," I heard Ivy whisper loudly, on purpose so we could hear.

"Would it be weird if I said I was craving pizza right now?" I changed the subject.

"No-" someone had began speaking, but was cut off by someone else.


"God?" I responded sarcastically, earning a few laughs.

"No! Why did you tweet the thing?" James moaned.

"Payback I guess,"

The room lit up again and everyone cheered. I was still snuggled against Jake. It was just minutes again until the lights all turned off again.

"Guys, I need to go to the bathroom, Ivy, come with me." I said. Never mind the 'me not bothered thinking of a prank' earlier, I was using this power outage to an advantage.

I heard Ivy shuffling around. I made my way towards the door, stepping on a few people and getting some reactions.

"Sorry guys," I giggled.

I turned on the torch on my phone and made my way upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Ivy followed me to the Stereo Kicks room.

"Just act scared, yell as if I fainted or something, then we hide behind the door and scare them," I explained briefly.

I went behind one side of the door and Ivy went to the other.

She let out a piercing scream. "BOYS," she yelled, sounding terrified. "IVY'S FAINTED!"

Suddenly, we heard the rushing footsteps rush up the stairs. Of course Jake was the first one to enter. I jumped out on top of him with a scream, bringing him to the floor. Ivy at same time scared the others, they all let out screams.

Me and Ivy were left in bits laughing at the boys. "You all are losers." I said, getting off of Jake. I extended my arm and helped him up.

I pranced into my room, Ivy following me. "LET THERE BE LIGHT." I yelled, and very unexpectedly the lights turned on. "Oh my God!"

Jake bounced into our room too, hopping onto my beside me.

"What do you want?" I said, sarcastically. He pulled a fake upset face.

"I ship you two, just saying." Ivy admitted.

"Ew," I pretended with a giggle.

"You liar, you'd totally date me." he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Jake, you're messing up my hair!" I complained.

"You're messing up my hair!" he mimicked me, badly.

I took out my phone and dialled the number for Domino's. A while later, the doorbell rang and I rushed downstairs, with a twenty and a ten pound note.

"Hello, thank you." I took the boxes off the man, or rather boy. He looked about my age. I handed him the money. He gave me back my changed and winked. I gave him a 'never going to happen' face and he walked away.

I ran back upstairs with the pizza. Ivy's eyes widened with happiness. Jake had left, probably to his room.

Me and Ivy tweeted that we were going to be snapchatting people all night as we had our pizza.

Tonight was going to be fun.

Small talk | Reece Bibby | Jake Sims | Stereo KicksWhere stories live. Discover now