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"Bristol's so pretty," I gaped at the beauty of the town as we drove through.

"It's so boring, living here for most of my life has made me realise that," Jake chuckled, without taking his eyes off the road.

About five minutes later Jake pulled into a driveway of a small cosy looking house. His house was located on a quiet road.

I jumped out of Jake's car as he handed me my bag from the boot.

Jake hadn't told his family he was coming back and I was nervous about their reactions. I had talked to his mum during the X Factor obviously, but I only had short conversations and it would be different now that I was his girlfriend.

He led me to his front door and I stood behind him.

"Why do you seem so nervous?" he asked.

"I don't know, what if your mum or Sydney don't like me?"

He rolled his eyes, "My family are the least judgmental two I know, don't worry about it," he smiled at me reassuringly.

Soon enough the door opened and there was a little girl, who had curly blonde hair and was short. She was so adorable.

"Jake!" she squealed, jumping into his arms.

"Who is it, Sydney?" I heard someone call from inside the house.

"Mum, Jake's here!" she ran inside after Jake put her down.

Jake shot me a grin.

His mum came scurrying out and she wrapped her arms around him.

"And Leah, hello!" she said, and I was a little surprised when she hugged me too. She invited us both inside as it was pretty chilly that day.

We entered his living room where Jake invited me to sit down beside him. He took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. Teresa, Jake's mum, offered us tea and coffee, and I needed some energy so I asked for coffee.

She gave me my cup and sat beside Sydney on another couch. She asked how our relationship was going and we couldn't say anything but great, because we had just got together three weeks ago. She seemed completely supportive and that made me super happy.

"So, I'm bringing you all out tonight," Jake announced. "For a fancy Chinese," he smiled.

"What time should we be ready for then?" his mum asked.

"About seven," he said. It was now three o'clock. He stood up.

"Great, go do whatever you want then," Teresa smiled at us both.

Jake told me to follow him to his bedroom, and I did. He rushed up the stairs.

His room was really big. It was all neat and tidy, which was unusual. His mum must've tidied it.

Jake flopped onto his bed and sighed. "I missed this place,"

I smiled. I loved seeing him so happy.

He offered to watch a movie and we decided on the new 'Woman in Black'. I took off my shoes and we got comfortable under his blankets. I snuggled up to him cosily.

Every time there was a jump scare, I'd flinch and Jake would hug me tighter. I wasn't the best at watching scary movies.

We lay in his bed for a while, cuddling and messing. At about six, I realised I had to get ready.

"I don't know what to wear, oh my God," I panicked.

"Don't leave, you look beautiful," he mumbled into my hair. He was half asleep.

"Get off my boob, Jake,"

He let out a chuckle and shifted, putting his head on my tummy. I was lying on my back.

"My makeup's probably smudged." I whined.

He sighed, "Fine," His eyes opened and he slowly sat up. His hair was all ruffled.

"Go do your hair," I told him, then moved off the bed and fished my makeup bag out of my bag.

We both shared his bathroom as we fixed ourselves up. I redid my eyeliner and mascara. I was wearing a flannel and black leggings. "Can I borrow your denim jacket, Jake?" I asked, entering his bedroom once again.

"Sure," he threw me his jacket and when I put it on looked a little big, but it was perfect.

"You look great, as always," he said and I giggled. I grabbed all my things and put on my white low Air Force. Jake quickly planted a kiss on my lips and we hopped down the stairs, suddenly full of energy again.

Jake asked his mum and Sydney if they were ready. They both were and we followed Jake out to his car. I got into the passenger seat, Teresa obviously offering it to me.

I got a text from Ivy saying, 'How is everything going? :) x'

I quickly replied with, 'Couldn't be better :) x' then put my phone in my jacket pocket.

Small talk | Reece Bibby | Jake Sims | Stereo KicksWhere stories live. Discover now