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I slowly made my way up Reece's driveway, shivering in the cold January weather. I rang the doorbell and shoved my hands back inside the pockets of my leather jacket.

The door opened to reveal Reece's mother.

"Hi Ivy" she gushed,"Haven't seen you in a while. Were you here on New Years? There was so many people over I couldn't place everyone." She let me inside and shut the door behind me.

"Yeah I was actually, thank you so much" I grinned, I always loved Reece's mum.

"Reece is just getting ready now, I don't know how long it takes to do that hair of his" Reece's mum chuckled.

"Mum I'm ready" Reece called from the landing upstairs, he ran down the stairs and grabbed his coat.

"Wow, I love your new hair" Reece grinned at me, talking about my freshly died hair. It was a light purple at the top with blue ombré.

"Thanks" I laughed.

"We'll be off" Reece said, kissing his mothers cheek and lacing his fingers through mine. We both made our way out to Jake's car, Leah in the front with Jake driving.

"Hi" Leah smiled at Reece and she shot me a wink. I rolled my eyes and buckled in my seatbelt.

Soon we arrived in town but there was a lot of traffic so Jake said we'd be stuck here for a good twenty to thirty minutes.

I took out my phone and tweeted a few fans.

Reece🎶: hey👀

I looked over at Reece and smiled shyly before replying to his text.

Ivy🌿: Well hi there

Reece🎶: I'm so bored😫

Ivy🌿: why don't you talk to me like a normal person?🌚

Reece🎶: idk I'm not normal 🙌

Ivy🌿: ay up

Reece🎶: shut up

Ivy🌿: oh mate

Reece🎶: why must you do this, you say it too


Reece🎶: you're not actually loling

Ivy🌿: stfu

Me and Reece continued our pointless conversation until we reached the beauty parlour. That's right, a beauty parlour.

"Hi, I've two appointments for two o clock under Bibby" Reece smirked at me as he spoke to the middle aged women at the counter.

"Ah yes, Ivy and Reece? For eyebrow waxing?"

I nodded sheepishly as Reece shuddered.

"Take a seat, we'll be with you in a few minutes" the women smiled before staring to talk to Leah and Jake.

I hopped into a black leather seat and lay backwards, Reece climbed into the seat next to me and shot me a lopsided grin. "You nervous?" I winked.

Reece stuck his tongue out at me as a women around thirty approached us. "You're both here for eyebrow waxing, am I correct?"

I nodded at the women and she clapped her hands together in delight. "That's wonderful, who's up first?"

I raised my hand and Reece smirked at me. My waxing was soon over, I was used to it so it didn't bother me.

Small talk | Reece Bibby | Jake Sims | Stereo KicksWhere stories live. Discover now