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Pat: NO! This meme makes no sense! Just listen!!
Colin: Oh my goodness Bri.
Bri: Here we go again.
Pat: Moths are not attracted by lamps, they are CONFUSED by them! Most of the time, they fly at an angle relative to light, such as the moon and lamps throw them off!
Austin: Just let them have their fun.

Justin: I said 'knife' to meet you as a funny pun. I needed to stab him to add to comedic affect.
Austin: We need to get him to Doc ASAP.
Colin: Don't worry, I'm still is STABle condition.
Colin & Justin: *finger guns*

Doc: "You have suffered damage to your central processing unit."
A random survivor: "You mean my brain?"
Doc: "That was a joke. It was meant to put you at ease."

Cookie: I'm willing to do a lot of things...
Cookie: But admitting to Michael that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them
Bri: I'm willing to do a lot of things...
Bri: But admitting to Austin that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them

Michael: Nice work, high five!
Podrick: [high fives]
Michael: [interlocks their fingers]
Podrick: Wha-
Michael: I'm in love with you.

Nicoline: I relate to Belle because she loves to read books
Bri: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies

Zoo (I forgot his role play name): there's only one race.
Zoo: the human race.
Colin: [slaps him]
Colin: what about nASCAR?

Xylo: has anyone ever told you what a drag you are?
Doc: everyone. constantly.

Austin : Repeat after me; Je m'appelle Bri.
Bri : Jay my apple Austin, poo.
Austin: Alright, let's try that again.

Colin: I want you to look me straight in the eyes
Justin: you can't have me look at those eyes and expect me to be straight
(I just had to)

Devon: You ever walk into a room and forget why you went in?
Xylo: [panicked] uhhhhh
Devon: [scratches head with gun]: Man I hate when that happens.

Colin: You're so short.
Bri: I could beat the s(PG-13) out of you.
Colin, terrified : *Slowly backing away*
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Have a Amazing, Wonderful, Magical Day/Night/Afternoon/ Sunrise/ Sunset! :3 Till next time!
- Your pal WhyCallMeKate
P.S Keep up the good work! You are all Beautiful in your own way! Don't procrastinate! Yes, stop reading and Do your homework/ project...
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