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Bryan: yeah, I looked both ways while crossing the street. I looked both 'handsome' and 'radiant', too bad I got hit by that car

Miss. Kay: A little competition never hurt anyone!
Mitch and Jake: [start opposing sides for a fight]
Miss. Kay:
Miss. Kay: I didn't mean *that*!!

Brandeen: I can't tell if the pain is from me wanting to die or from this paper cut.
Jake, concerned: Brandeen-

Austin: Bri?...

Bri: [playing Minecraft]
Austin: Dude... What if I just... put my bed next to yours. Just kidding. Unless...

Jakey: Love is in the air!
Brandeen, in a hazmat suit, spraying Febreeze everywhere: Not for long

Bri: You're annoying.
Austin: But you love me.
Bri: Doesn't make you any less annoying.
Austin: You're annoying.
Bri: But you love me.
Austin: Doesn't make you any less annoying.

Austin, drunk: You're so hot.
Bri: Uh-huh.
Austin: And spicy.
Bri: Yup.
Austin, hugging him: My little buffalo chicken wing.

Daveed: God, how do I deal with the pain of living?
Gods: Stop being a little bitch.
Daveed: That doesn't sound very godly.
Stop being a little bitch

Austin: Rules were made to be broken
Kay: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken!
Bri: Uh, pinatas
Michael: glowsticks, karate boards
Ritchie: Spaghetti when you have a small pot
Austin: Rules!

Kay: I swear to God stop stealing the kitchen utensils or I will kick you out!
Xylo: That's a whisk I'm willing to take

Bryan: Y'all I'm in love...
Jakey: Awwww-
Bryan, flicking back his hair: With myself.
Jakey: [stares straight at the camera like he was in the Office]

Brandeen, coming down from his cabin smiling:
Daveed: what's wrong with your face

Austin: Don't panic, I'm in charge!

Bryan: How did you find me?
Mario: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered, "Now, who could that be?".
Austin: How did you find me?
Michael: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered, "Now, who could that be?".

Austin[over the phone]: Mama, come pick me up.
Michael: Whats the matter?
Austin: Bri is passive-aggressively doing the dishes she asked me to do 6 hours ago.
Austin: This Cabin isn't safe anymore.

Austin: I know you think my judgment's clouded because I like Bri a little bit...
Ritchie: "A little bit?" You doodled your wedding invitation!
Austin: I did not! That's our joint tombstone.
Michael: That's... even worse...

Bri: Can I interest you in seeing our specials menu?
Ritchie: That would be lovely!
Bri: [hands Michael & Ritchie a menu]
Michael: This is just photos of Austin.
Bri: Hes a very special boy.

Austin: Brandeen has these insanely strong opinions on everything. Go on. Ask him a thing no one should have an opinion on.
Jakey: Hey, Brandeen, what's the worst possible multiple of four?
Brandeen: Three, obviously. Idiot.

Brandeen: I have decided I want to be cremated
Jake: like when you die?
Brandeen: no like whenever just surprise me

Bri: you lost a lot of blood, do you remember what happened?
Austin: only the ambulance ride
Ritchie: we didn't take an ambulance, I drove you
Austin, frowns: but I heard the siren—
Bri: that was Michael-
Michael: I will not apologize for being a WORRIED MOTHER!

Someone interviewing Austin: So what was it like to marry someone way WAY out of your league?
The Bri, grabbing the microphone: Amazing. I never thought I would ever be this happy.
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Have a Amazing, Wonderful, Magical Day/Night/Afternoon/ Sunrise/ Sunset! :3 Till next time!
- Your pal WhyCallMeKate
P.S Keep up the good work! You are all Beautiful in your own way! Don't procrastinate! Yes, stop reading and Do your weekend homework!
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