OoO 2

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Seek: It's times like these that I wish I had listened to what my dad said.

Bri: What did he say?


Bryan: What are you doing?

Jyles: Offering moral support

Bryan: You have morals?

Jyles: No, but I kinda support those who do

Austin: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen!

Colin: Really? Name one law

Austin: [pause] Don't littler?

Colin: That's on me. I set the bar too low.

Bryan: So what's River's type?

Jyles, reading River's Diary: brunette, talented, smart, kind of tall, nice, oblivious, Brown-eyed...

Bryan: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends.

Jyles: Did I mention oblivious?

Bryan: Yeah, why?

Jyles: Just making sure.

Xylo: What are you doing here?

Austin, from OoO1 sprit coming from Fred : I don't play hard to get. I play hard to get rid of.

Seeka: you're ignoring all your problems

Austin: I know.

Colin: you know that's unhealthy, right?

Austin, leaving : I'm going to be ignoring that as well.

Solis: Hey Impu, what does coffee taste like?

Impu, sleep deprived: Not as good as it smells.

Solis: Oh

Solis: Like shampoo

Daveed : Hail Satan

Lychee: Snow Satan

Daveed : Rain Satan

Lychee : Tomorrow there is a 90% of percipisatan

Daveed: It'll be foggy in the morning with a lot of condisatan

Daveed, whispering to Brandeen: This is our new child

Kay: What's everybody's blood type?

Seeka: How would I know?

Mario: How would you not know?!

Austin: Who am We? Karl Landsteiner? Discoverer of blood groups?

Mario: You don't know your own blood type, but you know who discovered them?

Impu: Why would you give a bow to a child?!

Xylo: Solis felt unsafe.

Impu: Now I feel unsafe!

Xylo: I'm sorry.


Xylo: Would you like a bow?

Pele : What did you three do?

Austin: Okay, I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't be mad.

Pele : What. Did. You. Do

Aus: Well, We were minding our own business

Pele: Bull****

Brick: [to Hades]: Just wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday so I can feel superior to your other well-wishers.

Solis: what do you call a fish with no eye?

Impu: Myxine Circifrons.

Solis: wait that's an actual thing?

Impu: yes, why?

Solis: ...fsh

Davis: Due to personal reasons I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.

Michael: Mania said 'I love you' and you said 'thanks', didn't you?

Davis: The reasons are personal-

Austin: *Screaming angrily*

Seeka: *Screaming back*

Bri, walking in: Uh.. what happened?

Colin: They're blaming each other for finishing the snacks, when I was the one who did it

Austin, eye twitching :

Seeka, inhaling:

Bri: Why are videos of crabs holding knives such a common phenomenon?

Seek: They can't hold guns.

Colin: Yet.

Mev: You're doing it wrong!

Lychee: I'm not taking advice from you, you pronounce the g in 'lasagna'!

Kay: Uh, excuse me, who's in charge here?
Austin, Colin, and Seek: Well, usually that's whoever yells the loudest.

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Have a Amazing, Wonderful, Magical Day/Night/Afternoon/ Sunrise/ Sunset! :3 Till next time!
- Your buddddeeeè WhyCallMeKate
P.S Keep up the good work! You are all Beautiful in your own way! Sorry for not putting a new chapters out!
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