3.New Life

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Deku woke up. He looked around checking the clock that was on the nightstand next to his bed, seeing that it was 10 am. It has been a few days since he had decided to join the league. His mom would definitely be worried by now but he didn't have much choice about joining the league and he knew it would be best that she didn't get involved.

He knew that she would be looking for him, so he couldn't worry about that. Besides he wasn't worried that he would be found. 

He got out of bed and after getting dressed he went into the kitchen and made himself some breakfast. As he sat down to eat, Deku looked around taking in his new home. The League put him in a pretty decent sized apartment with a master bedroom, two more rooms, two bathrooms, a living room,  an area that doubled as dining room and kitchen, and a veranda. The dining hall was lightly furnished with a table and two chairs, and the kitchen only had simple simple appliances. In the living room there was a sofa, coffee table, and a TV mounted on the wall. His bedroom only had his bed, closet filled with new clothes, and an end table with a lamp and alarm clock. One of the other rooms was empty, while the other had a couple empty bookshelves, a pair of computers, and a chair.

This room was for when he would work on analysis and store his work. After cleaning up breakfast, Deku walked into the room, sitting in the chair and turning both the computers on, But before he could do anything, AFO's face appeared on one of the screens.

"Good morning Deku."

"Good morning Sensei, I must admit that I didn't expect to see you this morning," Deku greeted. "May I ask what this call is about?"

"It's simple really. Seeing as you have been with us for a few days, I thought that I should talk with you about what you would be working on from here on out."

"I guess this means that I won't only analyze quirks here, am I?"

AFO shook his head. "While that along with your intelligence is the main reason for me having brought you here, you won't just stay here doing that. I will send you high priority projects to work on, but when you're not doing that you are going to go out into the field as well. But that is not all you will be spending your time on however."

"I'm already not liking the sound of this," Deku thought.

"You will also go into the field to help with various assignments in the future. Of course I will honor our agreement and let you have some leeway with what assignments you take a part of. Seeing as how you are valuable member to this group, and the fact that you will be sent into the field, I have decided that you should learn to take care of yourself. I want you to ready in an hour for your first lesson. Kurogiri will pick you up then."

Having said what he needed to AFO disappeared from the screen, leaving Deku alone with his thoughts. "Well I can't say I'm surprised things are heading in this direction, though that doesn't mean I'm too pleased well this. Well seeing as I don't have any choice, I better get ready."

And this was the truth. Even though AFO agreed to his conditions and has said so far, Deku knew that things could become real dangerous if he wasn't careful. Though he didn't really care that much. He already agreed to join and there was no going back anymore.

He left the room to get ready, and a hour later a portal appeared to take him to get trained. Without hesitation he stepped through, completely prepared to immerse himself into his new life.

10 months later at UA

All Might watched with the other teachers as the applicants made their way through the exam. Since he wasn't an official teacher at UA yet he wasn't a judge. He was there for another reason. He was examining possible successors to his quirk, One for All. He already had someone in mind when he came to UA, but he was currently watching the incoming first year students to see if there was someone that he though would be more worthy of his power.

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