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Deku walked up to the group of men standing in front of him. “Nice to see you again Tsukauechi, I haven’t seen you since I’ve been shipped off to UA. And I see that y'all brought Hound Dog with you, so are you guys actually here to talk things out or are you here to capture me again, though if it’s the second one why did you bring the suit here? Well it doesn’t matter, even with both Aizawa and him here I can still escape.”

“Oh really you woo fwoof ahroo,” Hound Dog started growling. “I can already smell your backup. There’s two people over there.”

“Really,” Deku asked as he looked where he was pointing at a small abandoned building and Aizawa and Tsukauechi headed in the direction. As they approached they called out, declaring who they were and for whoever was inside the building to come out. “Because I think you're mistaken.” Right after he said that a shirtless tiger man came running out while holding up his pants, closely followed by a girl in jeans and was holding a jacket too big for her close around her as they both ran off. “So they work for me,” Deku asked sarcastically. “Remind me to fire them later. I mean seriously, bodyguards shouldn’t be doing stuff like that while they’re still on duty.”

Hound Dog started to growl and though he didn’t like how sarcastic Deku was being, he was also annoyed with himself.

“So then it seems we are in fact talking to the real you and not another illusion it seems,” Nezu said. Deku held out his hand for Nezu to shake which he did, feeling firmly gripping his hand and getting rid of his doubts that Deku wasn’t there. “Well I guess we cannot expect you to use the same trick forever. Now that’s out of the wway how about we discuss the reason we are here.”

“I guess this means you either agree to my proposal, or at least want to discuss things further. Most likely wanting to know if we’ve found anything new on our side.”

“That’s right,” the Hero association member said. “While we at the association do not like the idea of working with a known criminal, it has been done in the past. And there are also your actions to consider, actions that make you seem more like a vigilante than a true villain, though those are also illegal of course. But before anything could be decided we would indeed like to hear more on what you may know of the League.”

“Ah of course, and I’m sure that even though I said I didn’t wish to speak of my reasons you’re still curious. Let me guess, you think that I’m hoping for a more lenient punishment for me and my group in return for our help with the league? Well you’d be wrong about that. Now back to the subject at hand, the proposal of an alliance and what I could offer you. That’s simple, information and some man power. Because of my work in the League, I of course know the details of their quirks, I know some weaknesses, strengths, habits, and fighting styles. I can also provide you information that will help you find them.”

“You have all of this yet you’re still seeking an alliance with us. Why exactly is that, Tsukauechi asked. “That giant man was like a walking disaster sure, but is that really enough to risk your freedom and seek to work with us?”

Deku looked at him with a grim look on his face. “Because from what I have been able to gather that man is truly terrifying. But that isn’t the only reason. Shit has really hit the fan since we last spoke. Just an hour ago in fact.”

“What do you mean,” Nezu asked.

“We were still looking for them, but we know where they are now. Now that may sound like good news, but the reason why and the following actions were definitely not. We noticed that a satellite suddenly shifted itself and was viewing somewhere in the type of areas where we believed either the giant man or the League to be hiding at. We were able to get a view of what it saw and that’s how we found them. Some big company that owned the satellite had made a call to them and traced the phones location, and from what we saw after that they must have either really pissed the League off or sent a challenge, or maybe a mix of both. Because shortly after that they left the area and arrived at this small town. And no they didn’t start a random massacre, the entire town started a battle with the League.”

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