34.Gentle Criminal

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Deku woke up and began his morning routine. With the help of Tai Deku was able to get all of his belongings out of UA without being seen and they had been moved to the hideout. Deku found a separate room that could only be accessed from the main room of the hideout which he made into his room. After that he headed to the bathroom that was also connected to the room and took a shower and brushed his teeth before heading to the kitchen behind the bar and sat down to eat when the meeting area's screen turned on and Cat appeared on it.

"Hey Deku, I've found something that you might find interesting. Like you told me to, I have been searching for something online, checking every possible source and I heard something on the police's side. Apparently Kurogiri has been taken into custody, but that's not all. When they tracked him down he was searching for someone, and then out of nowhere a large figure who is believed to be said person appeared and started attacking. And from what I've discovered so far he's extremely powerful, almost like a walking disaster and the police as well as Gran Torino who was with them barely got out of there."

Deku smiled and after he swallowed the food in his mouth he spoke. "Thank you, this sounds pretty interesting. It'll be pretty cripling for the League to lose Kurogiri and this mystery guy sure sounds fascinating. It seems that Sensei had some pretty surprising things hidden up his sleeve. ALright thank you for letting me know, please keep up the hard work."

The screen turned off and Deku finished his meal before heading to the couches and grabbed a nearby laptop and pulled up a video that had been published recently. He was in the middle of watching it when Sadao walked into the room and walked up behind Deku.

"So then, this is you hard at work, so what exactly are you watching? Hmm, isn't that the villain who posts videos of himself online, he's not very interesting so why bother watching them?"

Deku looked back at him. "Yeah entertaining videos are not exactly his strong point Doc, but I still watch them for one simple reason. He's kinda a friend. I met him one day when I was out doing the usual quirk analysis and I stopped at a corner store to grab a drink when he walked in. I hid so he wouldn't notice me but afterwards I walked up to him and started a conversation. At first he was surprised and unsure but we quickly became on good terms. Since then I occasionally went to drink tea with him, in fact it's partially thanks to his knowledge on tea that I was able to make that splendid custom blend you like so much."

Sadao looked at him deadpan for a second before his face suddenly brightened. "In that case he's great, truly a man filled with knowledge. Though, about you calling me Doc, just because most of the others do doesn't mean you have to as well."

"Why not man, considering your quirk and your main role in the group I'd say it fits." DEku's attention was grabbed when a new video began playing. He watched Gentle as he told the camera that he was planning something big and that his viewers would have to wait in anticipation before ending the video. "Hmm, I wonder what this big plan of his is?"

Weeks began to pass by and Deku struggled to find a way to handle Shigaraki and the rest of the League. Though during that time Deku did notice something that caught his attention and at the same time something occurred to him which made him even more interested. So then one morning Deku got up slightly earlier than usual and both he and Tai headed out. The thing they were headed to was the UA cultural festival and the reason Tai was with Deku was so he could sneak in undetected.

"So why do you even want to go to this thing anyway," Tai asked. "This is taking a big risk, what if you get caught?"

"Well I'm getting tired and kinda frustrated from being cooped up at the hideout for so long while making no progress on finding Shigaraki. Besides, I have a feeling about something and if I'm right then I feel like I must be there."

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