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Jin ties his shoe laces quietly. He looks too calm for someone who just evaded death. He almost drowned. If a small fishing boat hadn't saved him, he would still be floating in ocean right now. Probably dead from dehydration.

Vante's pocket knife saved my life. I'm lucky to be alive.

Jin stares to Rose. She is busy loading her gun with bullets.

He warns again, "Don't kill Vante. I know he looked like Victor. He isn't him. He saved my life."

"I know, I know. No need to repeat it like a brainless parrot."

She has a personal grudge against Victor Frankenstein. Something bad happened in the past. She always regretted she isn't the one who killed him.

Official reports stated Victor died in a car crash. Actually a government sniper took down that international bio weapon terrorist.

Their government boat got detected too quickly. Shin-Ra has excellent radar and latest weaponry equipment onboard. The enemy starts to shoot them. They have no choice but to shoot back.

The agents manage to cross over to the Dreamers. Killing all the jailers who opposed them. Gunshots fired repeatedly like firecrackers in springtime.


Warden is running toward the lab when Jungkook and Vante just got out from it.

Jungkook asks, "What happened?"

Warden says to V, "You didn't kill Jin! Now he is taking others agents to take us down."

Vante only says, "I kept telling you I'm not the Cap. You just won't believe me."

"If you aren't him, who is the real Captain?" asks Warden.

"I am the one," confesses Jungkook.

He adds, "Don't you think I got amazing hair?"

Warden stares Jungkook as if he got a second head. V knows exactly how he felt. How could the naive and innocent boy be the evil Captain? The Commander of Shin-Ra?

V has his suspicions but he kept suppressing it for a long time. There is just no way Jungkook is the villain.

Warden pulls his gun and he aims to Vante.

"Guess I won't be needing you after all, you freak!"

Two shots are fired at the same time. The warden collapses. Jungkook is standing in front of Vante. He has killed the warden in a single shot.

"Stupid man. How could he bite the hand whom feed him," comments Jungkook.

 How could he bite the hand whom feed him," comments Jungkook

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He lies his head against a wall.

A minute passed in total silence. Until the gunshots are heard again from upper deck. Government agents are taking control of this ship by force.

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