25. A prisoner once more

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Jin folds his hands. He stares the elderly man in front of him. He still looks the same. Beak nose. White beard. Cunning eyes. A kid could be terrified to death when he got angry. Jin is no longer that kid. He has grown up.

"Where is Alice?" asks Jin.

"Aren't you going to greet me, your grandpa?"

"Where is she?"

"She is still unconscious. You have to wait here until she has wake up again."

Jin rubs his head. He hates to wait. Not here.

He says immediately, "I will return later. Just inform me when she has wake up."

He is walking to the door when a bodyguard block his path.

"Where are you going, my grandson?"

Jin turns to face him.

"Am I a prisoner?" asks him coldly.

"Only until you took your rightful place again."

"Grandpa. I never wanted it. Give it to someone else."

The old man hits the table in his rage.

"You know how much money we are talking about?"

Jin only says indifferently, "I don't care."

He tries to fight the bodyguard.

His grandpa shows up behind him. He presses a button and the stun gun makes him paralyzed.

"You should have given up easily, Jin."


Irene tries to call Jin's phone. No answer. She has been calling all morning. Jin isn't Mingyu. He would contact her if there's a change of plan.

It's already ten in the morning.

She drives her car to the mansion. She honks the horn. A guard comes out immediately.

"Is Jin in there?" asks her.

"No. Young Master has left home."

Her eyes widened. She stares to the huge mansion in front of her car.

"Jin-ssi, you played tricks to me. You never told me you live in a mansion," grumbles her.

She drives her car back to the Campus.



in shakes his head. Sunlight pierces through the bedroom window. Illuminating the whole room. Judging from the sun, he must have slept the entire day.

He rises from the bed. The door is locked. He searches his pocket. His cell phone is gone. There is no phone in this room. He couldn't contact anyone from outside.

Jin hits the door until he got bruises on his fists. It's useless. His grandpa would never let him out again. Not until he complies to all his requirements.

"You can't do this to me!" yells him.

He kept yelling until his voice got hoarse. No one comes to let him out.


It's late at night when her phone rings. Irene grumbles when she finally reaches her phone.

"Hi, Jimin. What's up? Jin-ssi? I left him at Seoul. He's back to his parents house. You won't believe it. His house is like a huge mansion. Our houses can't even compare to that one."

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